“We are beautiful. We are sensual. We are passionate. We are feminine. We are practical. Being with us is like dancing to your favorite song in the solace of your room. It’s inhibited, it feels free and you feel the passion. We are resilient only because we love hard.”  That’s basically how Ghanaian women describe themselves.

The big question however is whether this is entirely true. I sat down with a Ghanaian man and he quite had a lot to say on this matter. I specifically explained to him that I was doing a series of some crazy ass annoying things to be found among women in a number of African countries and he was more than willing to divulge as much information.

It seems he had suffered immensely in the qualms of these lasses and here are some of the things he couldn’t wait to get out of his chest.

The first thing he really wanted Ghanaian women to stop was to pretend to be in it for fun only for them to turn around and try to trap you into a relationship. He talked about this girl he had once met at one of the clubs and how she had made it her life mission to make him miserable. And it started off very well with my guy making things very clear; that he was in it for the fun and the bang.

The lass agreed but midway she decided that they needed to be exclusive and she was willing to do whatever to make sure it happened. Like trying to get pregnant and threatening to kill all of my boys’ female friends.

It called for police intervention just for him to cut her off.

There is also this misconstrued notion among Ghanaian women that cooking and cleaning after your man is a sign of weakness and slavery. “Can you believe that bullcrap Anthony? Can you believe it?” That’s what I was asked and honestly think it’s misinformed though I never gave an opinion.
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The guy was going furious and I didn’t want to encourage him rest he failed to continue with my interview.

But according to him, Ghanaian women were abandoning their female duties all in the name of modernity and independence. “A girl gets one little degree and now she feels on top of the world” my boy stated amid sneers.

“Even Beyonce and her super stardom takes her sweet time to cook and clean for her man when her schedule is not very tight- Even Gucci Mane’s wife. Now who are you? And your face looks like overstayed fufu?” my boy asked. I immediately moved on from that conversation after that statement.

My guy also seemed to be extremely enraged by the fact that most Ghanaian women see you for what you have and not necessarily who you are. Any relationship with them always begins with what opportunities you can offer them and what priced possessions you can buy them. All for what? 30 minutes between her thighs once or twice a week. “Can you imagine that Anthony?” I’ m asked even though I know that’s the situation across the board and that how  it’s always been.

It was however interesting to learn how emotional Ghanaian men are. To them it’s more about the love and how they are treated and not about the cookie.
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Ghanaian women are also extremely fake as I was informed. Like you pick up a girl who looks like Kim K (have you seen here latest lacy photos by the way) in the club only for you to wake up in the morning and find Precious next to you rubbing your back.
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Mind you no protection was used throughout the whole ordeal.

They are fake in the fact that they use excessive make up, are always in weaves and all their well maintained and long nails are also fake. I think their eyelids too, and boobs and buttocks. Basically you never really know what you are settling for and this is throwing a lot of Ghanaian men in a big conundrum.

Lastly and the most irritating of them all, I was informed that Ghanaian women have zero ambition whatsoever. They take life as it comes and have zero regard for the future and their self-development. The only thing they know how to do extremely well is to sit pretty and let men do all the heavy lifting. What’s mostly annoying according to my boy is the fact that the laziness only crops in when they get married.

When you guys are dating, she’s on top of her game always giving advice on how to spend your money and invest wisely.

“Where does all the energy disappear too, why do they get so comfortable and fat when we finally marry them” I was asked.

Well ladies, who is willing to answer this gentleman?