“Still waters run deep.”  We have all heard the statement before. It means how the depth of a body of water makes it’s surface calmer compared to all the activity that may be happening beneath the surface. In this installment I’m speaking on the importance of becoming a still waters man and the benefits that being a man , calm in attitude and approach to your life is beneficial.    


I’m not talking about that superficial , hotep , mythical word “deep”. I’m talking about being in a state of deepness, being able to take all your experiences, formal and self education, and pulling the best of all of that into your daily living, without having to express it all the time , out of some form for a need of attention or validation. Deep means to be able to move about with presence of mind on the things you need to do and create that will ultimately get you the results you want, to have agendas that not only benefit others but benefit you. That’s the best way I can describe it. Having this state of mind keeps you calm. You’re in the flow of making life happen , or adjusting yourself to do so. If this sounds too weird, all I can say is you know it when you have it or getting there, because the things that use to bother or trigger you and throw you off your “game” don’t throw you off anymore. It’s a great place to be!   


We’re talking about your emotions here. It never helps a man to be hyper emotional or hyper reactive like a woman. It never helps a man to speak too much or too often on things he cannot control, but to reflect and be clear on what he does have control over , and how to use it in the world. The moment any situation leaves you more emotional and the longer you hang onto it, especially if it’s a situation provoked by another person, the more you get taken off your game , and you position yourself for more disadvantages. This is for both personal and professional issues. If it’s found you are easily triggered over the same issues , you become easily manipulated, and predictably provoked . That’s why you must go deep to the root of your issues and put them in perspectives where you can’t be emotionally swayed. Just like water, the deeper you go the Darker it becomes . Embrace it, get comfortable being surrounded by that darkness and less fearful, because that where you take your power back. You don’t have to do this alone. Enlist deeply trusted friends, family , clergy, professional counselors. There’s no shame in having baggage, we all do. It’s what you do to unpack it that counts, and you can’t unpack until you recognize and accept you got some tucked in a dark place. Your emotional response is just a signal you have work to do.

That being Said, emotions aren’t bad. Some of your greatest triumphs will be emotional, dare I say NEED to be. Getting emotional when you are triumphing can carry you, but getting emotional when you are troubled is what can collapse you. Perspective is key. Just like water either you will drown in a sea of emotion or surf that shit. You want to be surfing! YOU’RE NOT EMOTIONLESS, YOU’RE JUST NO LONGER EMOTION LED.


The same thing you conquer by embracing that darkness, becomes what you can peep in others. I’m not saying you should exploit it, but you will know when you are dealing with a highly negatively emotional and triggered person . You will be able to see their predictability , and their errors in being taken off their game and overly reactive behavior,  creates advantage for you and also shows you who and what best fits your circle (see my other article on circles here).

It’s a turbulent world Gentlemen. Your developed calmness will guide and protect you by allowing you to see reality and opportunity . The stability of being well known within yourself and what you want out of life has a way of positioning you away from things and people that don’t serve your benefit and more towards those that do. I’m of the earnest belief that becoming a still waters man is one of the most advantageous ways of living. You deal with less bullshit, and whatever bullshit come your way , you handle it in short order , with relative style and ease. If you’re know as a “hot head”, and you find yourself in more shit than what you started with, consider this other approach.