Now whether you’re a man who’s just sold his business, cashed out his cryptocurrency, post-divorced, and/or like me, living well in post-early retirement, I’m willing to wager that most, if not all of us Brothers, have contemplated relocating to a more user-friendly country. In my case, it’s the African continent; but more specifically, Kenya.

Okay, for the sake of argument, let’s just say you’re a United States born and raised, over-taxed paying citizen, who can’t wait to catch the next thing smoking to an overseas nation of your choice. If this is you, cool.

If not? Just click off this helpful article as well as the Negromanosphere right THEE ph*ck now. 

Why? Because this information’s for us men whom enjoy international traveling.

Passport Brother Number One

Passport Brothers like ourselves don’t waste precious time and energy beaching, moaning and complaining about a situation without creating a viable solution. Yeah, that’s us!

Anyway, when it comes to enjoying life overseas, regardless of your socioeconomic status, it’s always best to live below your means. Uh-huh, that’s right.

Just because you allegedly have six to seven figures stacked away, doesn’t mean that you should spend anymore than absolutely necessary. That bottle of California red wine that cost under $10 bucks is just as tasty as the buck-fiddy ($150 USD) imported joint corked in France or Italy. 

Likewise, the reasonably* priced Airbnb located in a middle-class neighborhood is often more affordable and private than the posh five-star HOtel that’ll set you back two bills or more per night. Now in my book, as long as I have a clean, safe and quiet place to lay my head, cook my food and wash my azz, the small condo will always trump the overpriced brand name lodging. 

Now don’t get it twisted

When I say spend money reasonably, it means to be a frugal man. Being a cheap-azz bastard not only makes a man look bad but it lessens the overall experience. 

There’s been plenty of times that I’ve chosen an topnotch restaurant just to plant myself at the bar to sip on top shelf liquor. However, to stay within my flexible budget, I’ll order several appetizers instead of an expensive steak.

Then again, of course, this is dinning alone. Or what I prefer to call the perks of solo traveling

Cost of Living in Nairobi, Kenya

According to the site, you can estimate how much bread you’ll need to eat while in Kenya. Also, you’ll be able to customize each country with whatever currency you desire.

Now keep in mind that since I’ve been in country, I have a more boots-on-the-ground view of more detailed costs. For example, when calculating the currency exchange rate between the USD and KES, renting an apartment or Airbnb is very affordable.

You’ll pay for your electricity bill via an online app right from your phone. Trust, $10 to $20 dollars will purchase at least 60 days worth.

Moreover, you’ll save on transportation. Uber, Bolt, and motorbikes, not to mention the matatu (minibus), which only cost 100 KES (less than a buck) each way, will get you where you need to go for a mere fraction of the cost of other major US cities. 

But pump your virtual breaks, sports fans. Nairobi has her fair share of heavy automobile traffic as well but without any incidents of good ‘ole American road rage.

And there’s pretty women

Yeah, just in case you don’t give a dayum about anything else in this article, come for the natural beauty of the national parks. Kenya has all of the Big Five (lions, leopards, rhinos, buffalo, and elephants) animals that are the envy of the world.

So, until next time, Brothers, please stay strong, watch your damn six, and whatever you do, don’t let anybody ph*ck with you!

Copyright 2021

Marcus love is a published author. You can scoop up his most recent Broke and Ashy urban eNovella series at an Amazon Kindle near you.