Sup Fellas, I was thinking about what to drop on you this week about manhood and here’s what I have for you. Lets talk about the need for a man to be resourceful. I have been dropping article after article recently about focusing on yourself as a thorough man, because it is just as important as knowing every slick trick any disingenuous woman can throw at you. That being said we are living in times where too many men are not focusing on the personal drive needed to become a thorough man in all aspects and are either so sexually focused on women that they are either drowning in pussy , or harboring deep resentment with dry dick trying to get some.  

We live in a culture where the social mores of adulthood do not condemn or challenge adult children to not be ashamed of staying with their parents indefinitely, many of whom are are physically mature men, with no deeper aim in life, no sense of advancement even for themselves because of fear and complacency or some other unproductive shit. What I want to say to the brethren this day is it’s a big world and you can have a big life, but you need to get the skill, intelligence and experience to achieve it…in short , you need to see the value and become a RESOURCEFUL MAN.   


Resourcefulness is the intelligence, awareness, and ability to create a life that is favorable for you in your overall life given the environment you choose to be in, especially materially. This is Beyond money and beyond status. If shit goes sideways, it’s the ability to bring it back even better. Resourcefulness is so many small things over time that that come together in the most important of times for you , because of you and that’s mostly mental in nature. What most men with no or low drive don’t understand is that getting to those higher levels of resourcefulness, requires the decision to commit to the consistent effort of becoming more resourceful.  


As you make the commitment and do the work in forms of learning new things, changing your beliefs, taking better initiative and action. The things you prove to yourself, build on each other and your faith in yourself gets stronger. To many brothas are stuck not moving forward because they aren’t building personal momentum and getting too easily thrown off with setbacks and disappointments. Life requires tenacity. As long as you can think and live you are still able to come back. Never get comfortable running out of options when it comes to advancing your life.       



As you reach a more confident state in your personal resourcefulness, you create stability for yourself. The Irony that most men who feel stuck in life on  various things is that they often mistake their current state as the only stability they will know. No, it’s a misplaced comfort , that over time is not so comfortable. Stability comes from awareness, that comes from experience , getting out and doing something different.

See to be Resourceful gentlemen. Life can put you in jams at time, but if you keep the value of desiring to know and do more and be a better version of you than before, you will be unstoppable and you will have what you want out of life, or something better.