There’s an importance to prepping. As we are faced with hard times in which there’s no end to possibilities and difficulties we may come to face, staying one step in front of the others may help us fare better in dire times. Often looked at strangely, and talked about in hushed voices, preppers just tend to think in advance – a logical, efficient, survivalist mindset. If you are perhaps a person who thinks in this way, or you wish to begin readying yourself for whatever may come – here are a few tips and a brief introduction into preparedness and some of the skills and items that could guide you to the basics of prepping  – the way to ensure your chances for survival are at the max!



Be prepared

The essential and logical core of prepping and survival in general , is of course, preparedness.  Making sure you are fully prepared for any possibility that may put you in a life-threatening situation is the logical start for any prepper. To always be one step ahead, you’ll need to think in advance – devise possible scenarios and find the best solutions to survive. Always question yourself and your level of readiness. This way you can be confident to always reach the best outcome in a difficult time. Knowing that you are prepared to face a potentially catastrophic event to the best of your abilities can give you an important confidence boost when you will need it the most. So make certain to use every chance you get to hone your skills by learning from educational literature, instructional videos and of course by using the tools you’ll need and getting  to know them. This way you can be confident that you will face any serious situation with a sufficient level of preparedness.



Ration supplies



A crucial part of prepping is ensuring you are well stocked with supplies to give you a key advantage in a possible catastrophic scenario. Always be on a lookout for sales, discounts and new lines of supplies with a long shelf life and  reasonable nutritional values. The key supplies to look out for are canned foods, MREs, water rations, and foods that have a long shelf life. Research or inquire about different foods and their longevity and buy accordingly. Never hesitate to ask!  For example, white rice and some freeze dried foods can last for up to 25-30 years – a perfect choice when stocking up.
Prepping is equally about staying put, as well as moving cross country. Your first plan in a disastrous event should be getting to your safe place and staying there for as long as possible, surviving off of the supplies you prepared previously. When and if things continue to go downhill, you might have to take to the road. To make sure you’ll have enough supplies when such a time comes, try to always save a bit on the side. Be it canned food, water supplies, or general useful items that you might need, never hesitate to replenish your stock. In time you can accumulate a substantial amount of supplies. A popular method amongst preppers today is to spend an extra 5$ each time you go shopping for groceries – and spend them on canned, or freeze dried foods for stockpiling only. In certain places, a tin of canned food can be purchased for as cheap as 50 cents. So whenever you can afford to spend a few extra dollars on extra supplies – do it!





All the above mentioned factors are evened out by being well stocked and equipped with a wide range of goods, efficient items, and tools that will give you an upper hand in any possible scenario. No person, and let alone any survivalist, prepper or outdoorsman should be without good tools in his possession.  Assess your budget, create a plan and buy in a way most comfortable to you. Try to find items that have the best balance between quality and price. Never hesitate to pay extra for a high quality item, and even save up money for better tools if you are on a tight budget. It could, eventually, be the ultimate decisive factor in a life and death situation. Make sure you always research the items and their various uses before purchasing,  to ensure they will be of maximum use to you when the time comes.
Some of the basic, beginner survival equipment we could mention here are the logical choices you would settle for :

Survival clothing 


Depending on the area and climate you live in, hot or cold, you should be dressed accordingly. High heats are as dangerous and life threatening as the freezing temperatures. So, depending on your surroundings you should find the best clothing solution and invest in a good set of clothes aimed for survival situations.
Always keep in mind that your clothing should not be too tight as to be restrictive – this can be a hampering mistake, as you will need to keep your body ventilated. Aim for a well-fitting set of waterproof clothes, made from materials best suited to your climate – for colder areas wool is the best choice, while cotton is the best solution for warm climates.




A popular item on every preppers  list is a weapon of choice. In a potential scenario with a disastrous outcome, your survival may depend on  how well you are armed. A usual choice and most common nowadays is a firearm of your choice – a useful and powerful weapon well suited for a vast array of uses that could mean your life. Depending on where you live, you may not be able to acquire a firearm so easily, but if you can, opt for a reliable handgun, or if your budget is sufficient, an automatic rifle. Be certain to get familiar with your weapons , knowing how to use them to their full potential and efficiency, and also how to properly and safely wield them. Stock up on ammunition as well. Minimize the possibility of finding yourself without ammo.

Medical Kit 



Make sure you are always near a well stocked and reliable medical kit. These should be readily available, so try to find the one best fitted to your budget while also minding the quality of the kit itself. An appropriate kit should be filled with the essential items needed to provide basic first aid in a situation where help is not easy to find. Make yourself acquainted with all the items and their uses, and make sure you know how to use them and when.





A skill of great importance when outside of urban environments is definitely navigation. When you potentially step out of your zone of comfort and find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings, knowing how to effectively navigate your way towards safety is a skill of crucial importance. Do not think twice about paying those extra few bucks for higher quality items – a professional compass, a G.P.S., or a set of detailed maps of your surrounding area or state. Having these important items with you, and knowing how best to use them can save your life.



Backup plan



Always have a backup plan for any possible situation that may play out. Survival situations are unpredictable – things may develop quickly and put you in a difficult situation in which you will have to think and act fast, so always think ahead and know your possibilities in any situation to ensure a positive outcome.  Devise backup plans, and even they can have backup plans! It can do no harm to always have a way out played out in advance. Ask yourself, questions big or small, trivial or important – “Will my clothing be adequate for this area? How long will my supplies last? What will I do if I get sick? What if I am wounded?” Knowing the answers to these questions will get you one step closer to resolving them in a positive way. If you’re ever in a dangerous situation, remember: remain calm, no matter what. Panic is the number one cause of failed outcomes. Breathe deeply, compose yourself and think of a way out. Giving up is not an option, remember that only fruitful actions will get you out of tight spots.







Performing regular check-ups and ensuring your health is at its peak can be an essential value when disaster strikes. You must ensure that your body is prepared for a period in which your capabilities will be tested to their maximum. Have you gained a few extra pounds? Losing them as soon as possible will do you good – a fit and trained body will help you cope easily with common difficulties of a survival situation: fear, pain, illness, fatigue, thirst and hunger, sleep deprivation and different climates. You will face all these troubles and you want to get through them as best as you can. Staying fit and strong will help greatly. Working out also helps with self confidence, and you might need it when it’s tough and you feel like quitting.

That’s it for the basic introductory tips for all the up and coming preppers. We hope to deliver a basic idea about what preparedness really is, an idea that will guide you confidently towards your successful beginnings into the world of prepping. Follow these steps, always research, always learn and think ahead, and your chances of surviving will be that much better!