I don’t discuss my politics with people. It’s not that I don’t have an opinion. I used to be an editor on a website that focused on Black political issues. I have many opinions. I just don’t share them. Now it’s not that I don’t want to follow the old axiom of not discussing politics or religion. Indeed I could write a multi-volume book series on religion. No I don’t discuss my politics with people because most conversations don’t focus on the one thing I really care about: Power.

Many years ago there was a young lady who worked with me on a temporary job. Now this young lady pretty much ignored me. No big deal in my eyes. There was another co-worker I was friendly with who was also cool with the young lady. This co-worker and I would have deep conversations primarily focusing on what Black people could do to improve our situation in this country. This co-worker shared some of my ideas with the young lady. She immediately got extremely flirty. She said to me, “You’re about power and I like that.” Too this day she may have been the only woman to discern that about me.

Now this article isn’t about me. It’s about Black men collectively and what we really need to be doing, which is pursuing power. I’m talking about real power. Let’s be raw, right now Black men are ticks attached to the rumps of white men, and increasingly Asian men who are welding real power. Real power is the ability to impose one’s will. Real power is the ability to shape a social reality and have others accept that reality. Right now Black men collectively are reacting to the agenda set by white men, Asian men, and unfortunately Black women.

Now this isn’t a racist rant against white or Asian men. They are doing what they are supposed to do. They are collectively using their will to remake their environment into their images. It’s the very essence of what it means to be a man. If anything Black men need to learn from these men because right now we are not even respected by our own women.

So now the issue is how do we acquire power? The reason I don’t discuss politics with people particularly Black people is that MOST of our politics is about appealing to the white man. We’re asking for crumbs instead of baking our own loaf of bread. That’s not living, that being allowed to live. Real power is living on our own terms. Really it’s not about a loaf of bread but owning the bakery. That’s where we have to start as Black men. We have to think in terms of ownership.

That ownership goes beyond owning some house and car which unfortunately some people think constitutes some type of power. Naw the real power is with the owners of the bank that owns the house and car notes. Black men have to think in terms of owning the bank. Instead of Black men thinking in terms of appealing to the owner of a company by dimming his light he has to think in terms of owning the company. Now plenty of men have said this before. Nothing new. We have to go deeper as far as power.

Real power doesn’t start with owning material possessions. It doesn’t start with owning a business. It doesn’t even start with being in a certain position in an economic or political organization. For Black men to acquire power we have to look the one place we haven’t looked as a collective. We have to look within our own spirits.

No one can give a man power. Real power comes from with the man’s spirit. His very essence. Let me share a story about myself. When I was four years old my Uncle bought me a pony. Even though I didn’t know or care at the time this pony wasn’t going to let a little human pull him around. I would try to make the pony do something and it would ignore me while it ate grass. My Uncle would just watch as I struggled with this pony.
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Years later my Uncle told me that he saw something in me with that pony. He saw that I had a strong will and that I would never give up. That will and desire to never surrender continues to serve me well to this very day.

All Black men have that will within them. All Black men have the power within them. We have to collectively stop asking other men to empower us. We have to look weak to call the white man our oppressor and then ask him to give us power. REAL MEN TAKE POWER! If a man knocks me down I’m not going to ask him to help me up. The most I might say is, “I’m giving you a head start because I’m going to break my foot off in your ass when I get up.” That’s if I’m feeling generous.

The first thing in seeking power is to look within ourselves. Everything comes the spirit. We have to not only bring forth what is within in us but work on our minds and bodies to hone the power within. Once we sharpen our minds and bodies there is nothing we cannot accomplish. No force can stop us.

To bring it full circle the reason I don’t discuss politics is that it is only a vehicle, a tool used by men who wield real power to accomplish their ends.

I’m with them.