Why is it that when men in general, but black men specifically, commit crimes against or involving women it is seen differently than when women, particularly black women, commit crimes against men?  This is true not just in the legal court, but in the court of public opinion as well.

As any die-hard or perhaps even casual NFL fans know, the NFL draft will be taking place on Thursday, April 24. One of the most talented players in the draft is a young man by the name of Joe Mixon. If that name sounds familiar,  it should. You’ve probably seen his face on countless news shows. He has been lightning rod for controversy and has become a polarizing figure.

So, what did Joe Mixon do? In October of 2014, he punched a woman (Amanda Molitor) in the face during an incident at an eating establishment on the University of Oklahoma campus.  Video footage of the incident confirms both parties were engaged in a verbal disagreement of some sorts. He leaves and she says something to him, at which he returns to confront her. At that point she pushes him, slaps him, and then he punches her in the face, with the shot heard round the word if you will.    Subsequently he was suspended for a year from the University of Oklahoma football team. He was ordered to perform 100 hours of community service as well as undergo counseling.

Irrespective of one’s views on the subject, the facts are that Joe Mixon has paid his debt to society. He’s complied with all disciplinary actions levied against him. So, he should be allowed to move on with is life, right?  In this case, that means entering the NFL draft and earning a living a professional football player

Therein lies the problem. Despite having paid his debt to society for an incident that is now almost 3 years old, there’s a growing consortium of people, namely feminists, and black women, which have been protesting since he declared himself eligible for the draft. Their goal is simple. They want him to be punished into perpetuity and not allowed to make a living.  They’re applying social pressure to the NFL to make drafting him a PR disaster.  It’s worked to an extent. The Miami Dolphins and New England Patriots have already publicly stated that he is off their draft boards. It remains to be seen how it shakes out, but at the very least he won’t be drafted as high as his talent would warrant he should be.  In a game like football where the average career is 3 years and every play can be your last, it’s imperative that players get drafted as high as possible and make as much money as possible on their rookie contract.

Now, let’s talk about Carnell Alexander. If you aren’t familiar with him, allow me to enlighten you.  He’s a man, like many men, who is the victim of paternity fraud. There’s a few things that make’s his case particularly appalling. For over 26 years the state of Michigan has come after him for child support for a child that is without question not his. An ex of his had a child and was receiving benefits as part of the Families With Dependent Children program.  As a recipient of benefits from this program, she was required to identify the father.  She knew that he wasn’t the father, but she identified him as such anyway.

Falsely naming him as the father sent in motion a few events. A process server, who was charged with the task of serving him papers to appear in court to establish paternity, lied about serving him the paperwork. In fact, he was unable to serve him because at the time he claimed to have done so, Mr. Alexander was locked up for an unrelated matter.  Because he was never served papers to attend court to establish paternity, in accordance with Michigan state law, he was considered dad by default.  As a result of two lies, not to mention criminal actions, Mr. Alexander found himself embroiled in a battle with the state as it has threatened him with jail time and tried to recover $30,000 in back child support.

If things weren’t bad enough, the child’s mother is sure of whom the child’s actual father is.  Yet, the state refuses to go after him for the money they feel they’re owed by Mr. Alexander. Also, no criminal charges have been filed against the child’s mother or the process server for the roles they’ve played in this debacle.

So, where am I am going with this cautionary tale? Joe Mixon committed a crime and has been punished legally.  Yet, there is still a large and vocal group of those, namely feminists and black women that are doing everything in their power to ensure he doesn’t get a chance to pursue his dream. He’s paid his dues, yet they want him punished into perpetuity. Yet and still, here’s a woman, whose name won’t we don’t even know because she is protected, has lied about paternity of her child. In doing so, she almost got a man sent jail and forced a $30,000 judgement on him and these same people are using ever manner of excuse to try to justify her behavior. There the same people saying we should let it go all while casting no aspersions on her. No one is trying to stop her from earning a living.  No  As I said in my previous article, these women aren’t interest in equality. They want a (she)quality.