The Age of Righteous Hypocrisy, has arrived…
“Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream of society.”
-Rush Limbaugh
With the nation having decided(?) to move in a completely different direction and fully embrace what it means to be “woke”, I’ve fully expected the full-court press to be on like never before.
And indeed, the Left hasn’t disappointed.
Right out the gate and just in time to offer its IPO, the world’s first dating app for women and decidedly feminist in its formation and operation, Bumble has issued an edict that men shall not “body or fat-shame” its female user base. From the CNN Business website late last month (“Bumble bans body shaming: ‘Find something else to talk about'”, Jan 28, 2021), I quote:
“Dating app Bumble has been known for setting its own standards for how people should behave on the internet — from banning shirtless and underwear mirror selfies to photos of guns.”
“Now, the company is making clear that there is no place for body shaming of any kind on its platform.”
“Find something else about their profile to talk about. Or, if you’re not interested in someone, you can swipe left,” the company said in a blog post this week. “If you’re not sure if a message will come across as body shaming, a good rule of thumb is simply not to comment on another user’s body or health at all.”
Bumble updated its terms and conditions this week to explicitly list “physical appearance” among other discriminatory language it does not tolerate. The list also includes “race, colour, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity.”
Reaction to this latest “woke” move on the part of the nation’s elites and gatekeepers was met with a torrent of “reaction videos” and the like from the Manosphere, Black and White alike, and one wonders whether Bumble will meet the same fate as Gilette, with its “the Best A Man Can Be” anti-male campaign back in early Jan 2019 (“The Best A Man Can Be” Wikipedia entry). If the denizens of the Manosphere are anything to go by, what has happened in the past with Gilette, who lost billions in the cause of “social justice” (“P&G posts strong sales, takes $8 billion Gillette writedown”,, Jul 30, 2019; “Gillette CEO: Losing customers over #MeToo campaign is ‘price worth paying’”,’; “Gillette CEO: Losing customers over #MeToo campaign is ‘price worth paying'”, Washington Examiner, Aug 1, 2019).
Time will tell if the now-viral adage, “Get Woke, Go Broke”, will go for Bumble, too.
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Bumble’s corporate school marm move is only the latest that will see an encroaching Nanny State type strategy based on removing as many of the real time barriers to plain to flatout fat and fugly women to the “mainstream of society” – and let’s get right to it, shall we? – the better off of society’s men.
But will the gambit work?
A quick spin around the Almighty Google tells the truth: None of the world’s most successful men have women on their arms who more closely resemble the Bumble party faithful, now do they? For all of the talk, camapigning and finger wagging about “diversity”, the fact remains that Beauty and Success go hand in hand – with no end in sight.
A clear – and timely – case in point, is now the seventh-time Super Bowl winning quarterback, Tom Brady. His significant other is the lovely Giselle Bundchen, the Brazilian supermodel. At 5’11” she joins the ranks of official model height women who grace the arms of the world’s most successful and powerful men, including former US presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, and former French president Nicholas Sarkozy. As I’ve said numerous times live on the air and in print in this very column, all of the “woke” campaigns in the world won’t move the “progressive” needle for successful men the world over, as they have the means and will to simply keep on going for the most beautiful women their money, power and fame will afford. The real fight, is for men of more modest means, who will take the full brunt of this “progressive” offensive.
SHAMELESS PLUG AD BREAK: Like what you’re reading now? Wait till you see my very first book, “The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman”! Here’s YOUR chance to help me bring the dream to life, by supporting “The Book of Obsidian Fundraising Campaign”! All the details are over at Now, back to the article!
I’ve long argued that while all of the “wokeness” that so many women in our time today spout sounds good on paper, and on social media, in actual practice it’s little more than rank hypocrisy in motion. The current kerfuffle with Bumble bears this out, for while it’s quick to put the kibosh on “body and fat-shaming”, it won’t hesitate to defend its female members’ right to inquire into men’s personal affairs – you know, like what they do for a living and most important, how much money they make. Five years ago, the founding hens of Bumble saw fit to put a male user on blast for rightly being treated as more than a walking ATM (“Dating app Bumble slams — and bans — misogynist user”,, Jun 10, 2016):
“When Bumble launched in 2014, it hailed itself as a new kind of dating app that gave women control over their romantic destinies.
Now, it’s asserting that power and removing users who don’t treat women like the queens they are.Last week, the company said it was blocking a user named Connor after being alerted to his rant against a female user.
“Dear Connor, It has been brought to our attention that you lost your cool on one of our female users named Ashley,” reads a blog post on Bumble titled “An Open Letter to Connor.”
“The interaction between Ashley and Connor started innocently enough: “How’s it going,” she asked him. He replied: “Great, thanks and yourself?”
But things spiraled quickly when Ashley asked what he did for a living.
Connor — who claimed to have a $300,000 job and a Notre Dame finance degree — proceeded to berate Ashley, who he presumed had a $40,000 account manager job. “I don’t see anything nice about you prying into my career without even getting to know me as a person first,” he wrote in screenshots obtained by Bumble and posted on its blog.
“I’ve gotten tired of girls like you who shamelessly attempt to pry into my career (and really the kind of money/earning potential I have),” he wrote. “I don’t have time for entitled, gold-digging whores.”
And surprise! Things got even uglier: “I don’t … prescribe to this neo-liberal, Beyonce, feminist cancer which plagues society and says a guy can’t as so much as give constructive criticism to and call a girl out on her bullsh*t,” he wrote.”
“Bumble took the opportunity to school Connor on why his reaction was inappropriate and, moreover, why he doesn’t belong in its community.
“We can gather that she wasn’t hoping to figure out if your wallet was sizable enough for her to move into your house and start cooking dinner for you after vacuuming your living room while you clock in a 9 to 5 work day,” Bumble wrote. “It might sound crazy, but people connect over the basic routines of life. You know … the weather, working out, grabbing a drink, and working.”
Bumble, launched by Tinder cofounder Whitney Wolfe, follows a similar premise as Tinder. People swipe for matches and photos are prominent.
Unlike Tinder, Bumble requires women to initiate conversations once a match is made.
“We hope that the hate and resentment welling up inside of you will subside and you’ll be able to engage in everyday conversations with women without being cowardice to their power … We are going to continue to build a world that makes small-minded, misogynist boys like you feel outdated.”
Bumble signed off its blog post with the hashtags #ImWithAshley and #LaterConnor. Support has been pouring in on Twitter.”
You see gentlemen, as I’ve previously said, women reserve the right to publicly “shame” men for what they see as their bad behavior – and I say that we need to respond in kind, by taking a page out of their book (“Dinner Whore Registry”,, Oct 19, 2020). After all, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
Not to be outdone with the sheer audacity of female fuckery on display, here is yet more evidence of the rank hypocrisy I spoke of earlier. On a website called “Whisper”, comes this little gem called “Plus-Sized Women Admit They Aren’t Attracted To Overweight Men” – and offers in their own words, “BBWs” who flatout refuse to “stay in their lane” – 20 memes in all(!). And if you doubt the authenticity of the site, consider the fact that Lizzo – all THREE HUNDRED POUNDS OF HER – has gone on the record in saying the exact same thing (“Do Body Positive Women Like Lizzo Want To Date Fat Men???”, Oshay Duke Jackson/YouTube, May 6, 2020).
Then, there’s the height-shaming that women are very well documented to doing to shorter statured men. Indeed, it’s so bad, that shorter statured men are actually advised by online dating coach industry experts and professionals NOT to mention their actual height, because to do so women will react negatively to it (“Does height matter on dating apps? Here’s how revealing that info actually affects your matches”,, Jun 20, 2019):
“Dating profiles often reveal everything from a person’s job title to their astrological sign, but while many users don’t mind sharing this info, things often get tricky when it comes to another factor — height. Although plenty of people have no problems stating their actual heights, others exaggerate how tall they are, and some choose to omit their stats altogether. Putting your height on dating apps matters, it seems, at least in the eyes of countless users — but does adding in a number (real or fake) actually affect how often you’ll get swiped on?
Although judging someone solely by their appearance is fairly superficial, the limited amount of information dating apps permit means that unfortunately, users tend to put a lot of stock into their matches’ heights, says David Bennett, counselor and relationship expert with dating coach service Double Trust Dating.
“For straight men, if you’re tall, it’s an advantage to list your height, since many women state preferences for taller men,” he tells Mic. “I always suggest that my clients list things that would put their best foot forward, and height in a guy is one of these things.” For shorter clients, Bennett advises them to not mention their heights, and instead list other qualities in order to avoid turning away possible matches.
Dating app users who’ve followed this advice have reported mixed results. Mike, who is 31 and 5’6”, says that he has more success when he doesn’t reveal his height in his profile. “L.A. tends to be superficial and I think most women here want a tall guy,” he explains. “I go back and forth with putting my height on my profile, but I have better luck when I don’t.””
And so it goes.
Fellas, the handwriting is on the wall and the evidence couldn’t be more clear: Women want the time-honored rules of dating and mating utterly subverted so that the more plainer, homelier and fatter among them will have a chance at men who are clearly out of their league, all at the same time hamstringing as many rank and file guys as possible. It is a plan so devious only someone like Darth Sidious could appreciate.
As “Uncle Dave” David Carroll would say, “tighten your chinstrap” and keep your head on a swivel!
Now adjourn your assess…
Mumia Obsidian Ali is a citizen journalist, podcaster, talk radio show host, newly minted dating coach and soon to be author. You can catch his daily live shows on the global livestreaming radio website Mixlr, as well as the all-new members-only Obsidian Radio Zoomcast, and his podcasts on YouTube and Black Avenger TV, as well as his weekly dating coach column at the Negromanosphere website. He’s also a semi-professional pest.
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