Whether it is on social media or in real life the average man will encounter women who are simply toxic. What I mean by toxic is that there are no redeeming qualities in these women. These women bring nothing positive to the table. Though they are especially toxic to men even other women will feel the extent of their poisonous nature. Toxic women are social parasites who live to cause misery in other people’s lives because they have so much darkness in their own lives.

What I find interesting is that many men, particularly on social media, will engage these women. On platforms such as YouTube, men will engage in back and forth arguments, debates, and flaming comments with these women. These men know that these women are toxic and yet will still engage them. The reality is that these women are actually aroused by this engagement. Otherwise they would avoid starting arguments with men over what are ultimately trivial matters.

There is only one way to deal with toxic women: Zero Tolerance.

A big problem with many men on social media is that they indulge these women. That’s like indulging a roach walking across a kitchen floor. People don’t indulge that roach. They step on that roach first and then get out the sprays, roach traps, and even get an exterminator to eradicate the infestation. Particularly on social media men will allow these toxic women to spew their venom unabated. Even engaging them is adding fuel to the fire. Men have to stop that behavior.
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As soon as a toxic woman is seen her presence must be stamped out. Zero tolerance for even two words of her bullshit. Messages must be sent. Heads must be piked.
Years ago I played in a church football league.
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It was a touch league where physical blocking was allowed. I was playing blocking back and I remember what another player told me. He said you have to hit somebody in such a way that they “don’t want to go in there with you.” Men on social media and most importantly in the real world have to have that attitude with not just toxic women but all women.

Many men complain about women have done to them. The reality a woman can only do to a man what he allows. She will only be disrespectful if he allows her to do so. She will only argue with him if he allows her to do so. A woman can only be toxic to a man if he allows her to do so.

On a personal level I am quick to delete comments and block toxic women. I don’t even engage. The few times I might slip is when they initially hid their nature but when their true colors shined I was quick to hit certain buttons.
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In real life I silently look at a toxic women in such a way that conveys the message, “Bitch, I ain’t the one.” Practicing zero tolerance has given me a great measure of peace when dealing with women overall.
I recommend all men adopt a zero tolerance policy when dealing with toxic women. These toxic women do what they do because society indulges them. It’s like leaving food on the kitchen floor for roaches. Men have to stop doing this. It’s a victory for these women to get any type of attention from a man even if it’s negative. Deny them that victory. Don’t allow them in your presence be it online or in real life.
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The best way to deal with toxic women…don’t.