Back in the day I had just finished playing a pick-up basketball game.   I was chopping it up with this cat from New York.   Now this dude had a flashy game.   He had a mad handle.   I think he played college ball at a small school.   He was talking about another ball player we both knew.  Even though this other ball player was Black, the New York dude said, “He has a good white boy game.”   He was right.  Anybody who watches Black players and white players on a basketball court can see the difference in how they move and in their rhythm.   Indeed white ball players who move like Black players are said to have Black souls or are blue eyed soul brothas.   This article isn’t about basketball though.   This article is about the game of man gets women.

What I have observed is that Black men and white men in general approach the “game” in different ways.  There are exceptions as I will point out later.   To be clear this isn’t saying one way is superior or better.   That really comes down to the individual.  I’m just saying there are differences.   Game isn’t universally the same across the world.   There are nuances shaped by race, ethnic group, culture, and religion.

The white game isn’t something I just saw online.   When I younger I got plenty of opportunities to interact and observe white boys and then men trying to get laid.   For example, I found it interesting that dancing wasn’t big at white parties.  It was more about drinking and talking.   The white game is more focused on communication and not necessarily in a flirtatious way.   Not a bad thing or put down.  Also plenty of alcohol is involved.   Indeed with the mostly white PUA industry the focus is more giving men the courage to approach and talk to women.   Yes there is some lip service given to things like dressing well and hitting the gym but for the most part it’s about communicating with a woman.   There’s also an angle with the white game I haven’t seen anyone acknowledge.  That’s the race angle.

In Western culture white men are at the top of the pecking order.   Despite those who complain about the gains made by feminism the men at the top of the pyramid are white men.   Most politicians are white men.   Most of the Billionaires are white men.   Most of the CEOs are white men.   In general white men are seen as the alpha males which is a dynamic which benefits even an ordinary white man.   When a white man approaches a woman he is seen a part of the dominant group.   Women regardless of their race or culture will always give some deference to the dominant men.   Thus when a white man approaches a woman, even a woman from a different race from his, she will have a tendency to be receptive.   All the white man has to be is somewhat normal looking.   This is why we may see an ordinary looking or even nerdy white man with a very attractive women.   This is a strong dynamic with non-white women.

It’s not so much white men have game but he is a member of the dominant group of males.  He has a foot in the door by default.   The communication piece is just to seal the deal.

Now the Black game is different.   Black men are not seen as the dominant male in Western culture.   An honest look at the Black men who have the most complaints about women will show that they are in countries where whites are the majority population or are in a dominant position.   So the Black man doesn’t have the luxury of approaching women from a position of being seen as a member of the dominant group of males.   The Black man has to have something extra.   This is how game developed in the Black community.

Now many Black man think if they just have a “mouthpiece” (communication skills)   they can get women.   For a Black man the mouthpiece just seals the deal.  The Black game developed because Black men had to have something to even get the women to talk to them.   Let’s go back to the party example.

People won’t be standing around talking at the typical Black party or club.   There’s a lot more dancing and physical contact.   When women are receptive to men in these venues it’s because he is fine, (at least to them) he dresses well, his shoes are on point, and has good dance moves.   This is a general thing.  Of course there are exceptions.   The Black game has always been more about style.  A style that draws women to him.   Once she comes to him or chooses him then he uses his words to seal the deal.   This game developed from the earliest pimps.   They understood women are drawn a physical appearance which isn’t just his face and body but also his clothes.    That’s why the old school player will say that they “pulled” a woman.   The woman chooses the man, he sees the choosing signals and then he lays down his “rap.”

Now the interesting thing is that even though I use the terms “Black Game” and “White Game” those concepts are not limited to race.   There are Black men who will approach a woman thinking all they have to do is talk to her.   Many of these men lack style.   Indeed the only women receptive to that type of approach are non-Black women.   This is why some brothas think white women are more receptive. Naw they just receptive to a certain type of game.   White girls who grew up around Blacks will laugh at a brotha approaching them like that.

On the other hand there are white men who use Black game.   These are usually white men who grew up in poor environments or poor Black environments.   Often white men like this will deal with white girls from similar environments or with Black women.

As I said at the beginning neither style is superior as a whole.  It really comes down to the type of women a brotha wants to deal with.   A man, regardless of his race, has to use the style best for his personality.