More than 35,000 people are ready to attend the 2017 edition of All 3 Coasts with 1,000 rappers set to perform on 75 different stages at the five-day music festival. It’s safe to say that Hip Hop is heading for a great celebration on October 4th but this won’t be the case for you if you don’t have any experience in attending music festivals.

Don’t worry because we got you covered with all the dos and don’ts for the A3C Music Festival as well as some good advice on how to make your experience in Atlanta memorable.


Plan ahead

Even if All 3 Coasts is a party destination you need to come up with a good plan before you touch base in ATL. You need to figure out a way to get there, book a place to stay, and come up with a budget so you don’t go broke in the middle of the festival.

In addition to that you will need money for food, water and some extra cash to enjoy yourself in the city.

Be prepared and arrive early

The best way to get the full experience of a music festival is to arrive early to the location. This is how you get enough time to vibe with the city, visit all the great spots and set the right mood for the festival.

Also, be sure to book your accommodation and don’t forget your tickets! It’s also recommended that you don’t take too many valuables with you and bring a decent amount of cash. Thank us later.

Dress comfortable

Again, A3C lasts for five days so one thing you don’t want to have on you is uncomfortable clothes. Sneaker heads, you might want to pack an extra pair of kicks because there’s a lot of standing and people will most likely step on your feet.

The best option in this case would be to walk around in your A game around the city and rock a pair of comfortable shoes during the shows.

Visit Atlanta

The worst thing you can do at the A3C is miss out on the city. Be sure to visit Atlanta and enjoy all the great spots before you head on to the festival. There are a ton of places you can shop, eat and enjoy your time in ATL.

Follow the rules

One thing you don’t want to happen when you’re attending A3C is getting kicked out and that can easily take place if you don’t follow the rules.  That’s because there will be security and police everywhere so if you’re told to act decent or not carry certain things with you, you shouldn’t do it.

Also, don’t force your entry at VIP locations or shows that you don’t have tickets for.

Stay hydrated

You need to consider the amount of effort that your body endures during a festival so the best thing you can do is stay hydrated. Drink as much water as you need to and make sure you get to see the fifth night of the festival.

Be social

The worst thing you can do at a social event is not be social. Doing anything else besides enjoying the show is a loss for you so get to know people, don’t just spend all your time on your phone.


This is the perfect opportunity to grow if you’re an entrepreneur so be sure you take full advantage of all the conferences that take place at A3C. If you’re a blogger setup interviews, if you’re a music producer connect with the artists, and if you’re an upcoming artist try to meet industry insiders.

If you’re a sneaker head you will definitely find Atlanta as a great place to shop, party, and connect with other sneaker heads.

Enjoy the experience

A3C is not only about shows and rappers. There will also be film screenings and conferences so you should attend to get the full experience that the festival has to offer.

Also, give other artists a chance, don’t just check in at your favorite rapper’s show and walk out.

Have fun

Don’t forget that the number one reason why you’re here is to have fun! The best thing you can do is forget about everything else and enjoy yourself at the epicenter of the Hip Hop culture.


Don’t forget: big names don’t necessarily deliver big shows

The big names will always attract a big crowd but unfortunately they don’t always deliver the best shows. We’re talking about artists that are touring for months before the A3C festival and by the time they reach Atlanta their energy levels are pretty much down.

Consider giving a chance to upcoming artists that are eager to get their fair shot at the spotlight.

Don’t harass the artists

This should be a top priority on the list of things you don’t do. Artists are always surrounded by security and most of the times they’re against meeting fans without anything planned so know your place.

If you want to reach out to a rapper you can upgrade your ticket as A3C sells VIP packs at decent prices.

Don’t harass the people

Another thing you should refrain from doing is harassing other fans.

Don’t hand out CDs and behave as everyone else is there to enjoy a good show and contribute to the culture. If you’re looking to create new opportunities for yourself consider attending the conferences to find out all the right ways you can do that.

Don’t fall for scams

The number one risk of catching an L at music festival is fake tickets but you should also skip the bootleg fashion items and souvenirs.

The easiest way you can do that is pass on to everything that sounds too good to be true.

Don’t party too much

At least refrain from doing so until the last night of the festival takes place. Remember, A3C is five days strong so it would be a shame to call it quits after the first night.

Also, there are 75 stages and more than 1000 rappers performing so getting too hyped will make you miss out on your favorite acts.

Don’t stay up all night

Again, the festival lasts for five days so your body will need some well-deserve rest to make it to the end. Party as much as you want to but remember to rest, eat and drink lots of water to keep yourself healthy.

Don’t approach everyone like a new opportunity

There’s going to be a lot of important people at A3C but you should rather look to meet them not hand out resumes.

It’s obvious that everyone there is somehow related to Hip Hop and wants to branch out but stressing other people is not the right way to do it. Definitely consider attending the conferences to get your knowledge right first.

Don’t pack things you won’t need

The last thing you want to be is the guy carrying out a big backpack with him. There’s going to be a lot of standing and a lot of moving around so pack the things that are essentials to you and skip out on everything else.

Don’t come alone

Convince your friends to join in or else you will get bored. Sure, there’s a chance of meeting new people in Atlanta but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll want to party with you or enjoy all the good spots that the city has to offer.

The only situation acceptable to come by yourself is when the rest of your crew is already in town.

Don’t try to attend every show

There are 75 stages set up for more than 1000 artists so you really need to be on point with your timing. The best way to do it is pick a scene and try to vibe in until your favorite artist arrives to perform.

You should also be aware of the time you need to reach one stage from leaving another. Other than that, you’re all good to go!