E-mail marketing can be a dealmaker if you know how to use it right. Despite what many sellers think, e-mail marketing still converts lots of visitors into shopper so below we’re going to break down five essential tips to have a successful e-mail marketing campaign.

1. Buying the data base

The best case scenario for you is to create your own data base with valuable e-mails that you know for sure you’re not wasting your time on. However, when searching online for easy solutions, you’ll see that people are willing to sell you data bases related to any type of business.

These deals however, might be a waste of time because the data bases can be overused, unfit for your business or even fake so before making the purchase, ask the seller technical questions, such as: how did he create the data base, where did he took the contacts details from, and of course, details about the e-mails included.

2. Title

The title will determine if I open or delete your e-mail. As a matter of fact, the title can annoy me as a receiver so much, I might open your e-mail just to unsub from your service.

Be careful what type of information you plan on sending to your audience. Every word counts and wasting the public’s time will be severely punished.

3. Graphic delivery

The eyes will decide if the content is worth my time before my brain does. No matter how valuable the information included in your newsletter are, graphic design gets to decide if your e-mail is worth reading or not.

To be noted: many e-mail services block images from e-mails for safety reasons so be sure to rely on good graphic skills and an interesting color combination instead. By any means necessary, add images just don’t abuse them.

4. Decide on what type of campaign you need

What type of e-mail campaign do you plan on doing? Is it a newsletter, a special offer, or an announcement? Every situation should be treated differently and every format should undergo a special delivery.

For the newsletter, try to gain as much ground as possible with the title. For the special offer, you should deliver all the information necessary within the title, and for the announcement be as vague but intriguing as possible for me to read your e-mail.

5. Help me help you

If you plan on doing an e-mail blast for a special discount to your online store, make it easy for me to access the direct link to your products and to purchase them.

Don’t make me search every item on your website, and instead, help me to convert easily.