I received my Bachelors of Science in Biology from the  California State University system in 2007.  I was one of 3 blacks to receive the degree among the totality of 200 students in the Mathematics and Science Graduation. People in my local Black community were thoroughly impressed at my determined efforts to complete such a “difficult” task in an  Stem field. My local church made an announcement the Sunday following my graduation during church service. I was asked to stand and be recognized for the completion of my educational efforts. The majority of the audience  at the church clapped. Some stood while  simultaneously giving me cheers of positive vocality. At this present moment, I was receiving my 15 minutes of fame. I felt proud, confident, and motivated to do even more for myself and the community that I represented. However, the educational achievement was not my proudest moment on that day. The proudest moment I had was driving back to the ghetto after church believing that  I was different from Pookie, Ray Ray, and Junebug. For the sake of this article, I use the names Pookie, Ray Ray, and June Bug to represent low budget street black men who are criminals and “bums.” One of the real motivating factors to finish my university training wasn’t just for the love of Biology. One of the real motivating reasons was to prove to white and professional black people that I was NOTHING like Pookie, Ray Ray, and Junebug. In other words, I achieved the “Educated Nigga Complex.”


    Like a snobby bitch, I raised my eyebrows at lower educated black people that were around me. Let the records reflect that I never mistreated or made negative statements public to uneducated Blacks in my vicinity . However, the self entitlement that exuded through me wanted the absolute right to look down on other blacks who didn’t achieve a college education. Let’s be honest people: A funky ass Bachelors Degree in Biology isn’t SHIT with regards to financial security or career advancement. The Bachelors Degree in Biology is really just an admission ticket to other professional schools (primarily pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, or veterinary). Despite my cloudy and false outlook on life, I felt I WAS THE SHIT. With regards to dating Black women, THEY COULDN’T tell me SHIT!  NOBODY COULD TELL ME SHIT!



    As I aforementioned, the local Blacks in my community really praised me for my efforts. I had proven to my church and the local black community that I was a diamond among the dirt. I was the commodity as an educated black man. I was accepted by local black  elites and was given opportunities to participate in certain panels and discussions. However, I had NOT proven to white people that I was different from other blacks. Although I had won blacks over by graduating college, none of the blacks had their own corporations to give me a good paying job. I am sure if they could have, they would have. The fact remains that none of them did. I was going to have to kiss A LOT of white ass to prove to them that I was not like the “OTHER NIGGAS” that they may have seen on television. I was going to have to prove to white interviewers and bosses that I could speak the “King’s English” and remove the “Ebonics vernacular” out of my speech patterns. I would speak with an eloquent “caucasian voice tone” while working around my white counterparts to prove my professionalism. I was determined to prove to White people that I was NOT like the ghetto blacks they may have encountered in the past.


  As years went by, I felt that my educational achievements and my work ethic would replace the fact that I was Black. To some degree, this is very true. A person of any race can achieve great things in the western world if they are professional, hard working, and dedicated. In other words, one can achieve many great things DESPITE the fact that they are BLACK.  At the end of the day, your skin complexion is what many people see first. Educated blacks feel like non black people will make the exception with regards to acceptance based on their scholastic achievements.  Educated blacks  feel that BECAUSE they are professional, white people will have no issues with them moving into affluent middle class non black communities. However, all educated blacks eventually find out that racism will still be alive regardless of your educational achievements.  Personally, I  have found that having a college education does not replace the fact that you are BLACK. Many races  or ethnicities do not want Educated Blacks  dating their nonblack daughters or sons regardless of your educational back ground. Affluent white neighborhoods do NOT want your black ass moving in despite your law, medical, or professional degrees. At the end of the day, many non black people categorize you in the same light as they do other low class blacks. To them, your dysfunction is not due to your attitude; your biggest dysfunction is your skin color. Because you are black, you are genetically dysfunctional. This is how “some” white or non black people see you. Your skin color puts non black affluent neighborhoods at risk. Your skin color lowers property values. No educational diploma can change that perception from the minds of non black or whites who feel this way about Black people. You cannot make non black people like you. To many people, you will ALWAYS be a NIGGA.