Well well, it seems that tech billionaire Elon Musk is somehow a fan of the “savage” mentality. After the South African and his new girlfriend had their firstborn, Musk posted the first photo on social media with his son covered in face tattoos filters – one which had the word “savage” written under his right eye.

If you don’t know the whole Elon Musk-first child saga, we’re going to do a small recap for you. After Twitter asked for the baby’s name, Musk took on social media to post that the kid’s name is going to be X Æ A-12 Musk with no additional explanations.

Later on, Musk’s girlfriend took on Twitter to break down the name while offering a detailed explanation of every symbol they used to name their child:

So everyone was weird out and of course, Twitter had a field day after hearing the news:

Later on this week, Musk made things even weired when he posted the first photo with the couple’s first born:

So what do you think, is Musk a culture vulture or is he just trolling the current state of pop culture? Make sure you hit the comment section below to share your thoughts on the whole situation.