It is often a negated but hard truth – a great many of today’s young men really don’t work enough on their style, their outfit and maintaining their looks. This neglect of your important asset in modern society – your dressing style, directly influences the first and most important impression people get of you. That’s why you should start a new page – revolutionize your dated and bland style. With the summer right around the corner, the world and the people begin to wake up, they get moving and hit the bars, beaches, shopping centers and streets. It’s the perfect time to get out there and do some hunting, some slaying as well. But to do so efficiently, you’ll need to get your gear updated. So read on as we explore the perfect options for a perfect outfit!

Leaving an Impression
People will judge based on your looks. Yeah, that sounds shallow and bad, but most people are exactly that anyways. A true alpha shouldn’t give a f**k what someone things of his style and his choices, but there’s always a difference between good and bad choices, and fresh and ridiculous tastes. You’ll need to know them as well.
You should simply realize that good impressions are important when you’re in the game. So much that they can lay a great foundation and help you get things off way quicker. A good, dashing and stylish outfit can make you perceived as a person of success, status and a notch above the others. Of course, it would be best that you are these things as well.

Finding Your Look
So, what will look best on me? You might ask me at this moment. Now we will assume that your fashion style is slightly rusty, it’s hanging over you like a problem and a dark cloud. No worries, since it is understandable and quite fixable. It will serve as a great chance to remedy all that’s not good and discover what suits you the best, what makes you stand out.
The first thing to take into account is your body. Your physique dictates your dressing style, and we sure as hell hope you’ve been paying attention to our previous articles on Negromanosphere and that you’ve been hitting the gym a lot. Take a good look at the proportions and the symmetry of your body. Try to mold your style in a way that it complements your shape. Don’t make it even worse. Still struggling with the beer gut? Hit the weights and in the meantime don’t wear tight shirts that will make it all too obvious. The golden rule is to flatter yourself. So hide what’s to be hidden.

Know How & Know When
Remember a crucial rule we always repeat here – class is immortal. A man who is well dressed, with a healthy dose of class, will never fail to leave a positive impression. Some things never lose their appeal – dress shirts, pants, suits, and leather shoes will always draw the eye, putting you into the center of every situation.
And the greatest thing about a classic style, is that it goes well with any occasion. Whether a formal meeting, a casual night out, or a drinks date, one of the many available combinations of a dress shirt and classy trousers will be a perfect choice. A simple but dashing outfit like this one is easy to pull off and takes no effort at all. What you get is a straightforward but well rounded look that speaks of simplicity, class and cleanliness.
For a dose of formality, these styles will cover both areas. Adapted to summer, with fresh and bold colors and an effective footwear, this outfit will dazzle and impress.
If you’re more into an easy, fun and casual urban style, for a simple day out, these outfits work great. Simple, down-to-earth, with some bold choices that work great. Classic black trousers with a tucked in t-shirt and converse sneakers is a fantastic combo that speaks of the 90’s and a laid back, balsy style. On the other man, we see vertical lines – designed to slim down and flatter you, and an over simplified summery outfit that is easy and sure to work.

Conclusion – Own It!
Whatever the event – the summer gives you a lot of room to explore. And before you find your perfect style, don’t hesitate to experiment, try new things until one works well. Trial and error is a part of everything. Just remember that you need to own it! Act like a million bucks, and people will ride along. And remember,  as much as it sounds bad – in modern society the clothes make the man. People put way too much emphasize on looks and not enough on personality, so a bit of conforming in these situations will work in your favor. Now – step up to the mirror.