Part 6 is here! Do yourself a favor if you haven’t already and get the whole picture  by checking out Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. I’ve shared my ideas on seeing money differently, the importance of developing an effective money philosophy, putting it into action by preparing for emergencies and opportunities , deciding what Investment opportunities work for you, and ways to protect and pay yourself and opportunities with insurance. This installment covers giving, which is more of a benefit to you, than you may realize. I call it another way to invest in yourself. When you develop this phenomenal financial situation in your life where you are obtaining , growing and circulating money in your life, you definitely should plan to give some of that or some other form of your prosperity back out of the generosity for the ability to give. So how is GIVING, a gain for you and perhaps even a NECESSITY for your financial life? Please follow me for a few moments.


Go figure. But how? Well in my experience. Giving centers me. It puts my life, money, talents and abilities into perspective. Call it spiritual, mental or whatever. What I do know is as I have given in time , money, or ability, it comes back to me in some way and positions me to give more. So it’s fair for me to say that giving becomes more for me than the situations I chose to give to. And it’s that simple. So being in the position I am in to share this information with you, I’m comfortable saying that you can experience this for yourself as well. It’s not my job to tell you who, how or when to give, but I definitely want to advise you to do so, for the betterment of your life experience.


This is plain and simple. Its hard for me to see how anyone can be thankful of what comes into their life financially if they ruthlessly hold on to everything and don’t give generously when opportunity presents itself. I’m not saying give beyond your ability. Don’t stretch yourself out in hopes everything just magically going to come back, but rather the willingness to give needs to be fostered. Whats the opposite of this? A stinginess that you may confuse for being “shrewd” or “smart” , which makes you more and more psychologically constricted, and in turn stops you from seeing opportunities, and focused on emergencies or things that have a way of sapping your finances. In short, POVERTY MENTALITY takes over your finances when you do not foster an ability to give. I do not know why it works like this but it happens as such. I’m thinking the better choice is to be of a more giving position. To respect giving is not always to understand why giving works for you. Here’s another benefit of giving.


It’s true. As you give and help others, locally, and online and however and wherever, you invest in your circle of influence. And it has a way of coming back to you , in people remembering you in the most peculiar of times and weird things like money from different sources and opportunities come back to you. You get to see how your involvement in strangers lives make an impact, or social dialogues and cultural movements. It really is truly one of those things you have to experience for yourself. Even giving something you will never miss, 5 minutes here, $5 there does “something”. And take it from me recounting my personal experiences, when those unexpected things happen to you, you know this thing is cyclical, what goes around , will come around. Just be thankful in your giving and getting.


I have to re-iterate, money is just only one way to give, and in the same token, just one way to receive when you practicing giving in your financial, moreover, overall life. You will know when opportunities arise, it will be sometime along your daily living that you’re asked to do something , or a cause you have a deep conviction about , or something that just nudges you to take quick action. Its difficult to describe but again as you deliberately seek to be a person of financial soundness and practical giving, you will know , you will get your shots. Take them. I don’t have a rule of thumb for you on how much to give , because its a personal experience for you. I’m just here to to let you know , its a powerful thing to do, and it in ways brings opportunity, and both tangible and intangible benefits to you. All that’s required is your willingness to be generous.

We are close to the end of the “Get Your Weight Up” series. part 7 is on the way.