Ask most women if they have an interest in entering a long-term strictly monogamy-oriented sexual relationship with a man, and the vast majority of them would probably say, “Very much so!”

Similarly, ask most men if they have a strong desire to engage in long-term non-monogamous and/or short-term non-monogamous sex, and probably four out of every five men would express some degree of interest.

What about a sexual relationship that is short-term … but strictly monogamous?


If there is one period of the year (particularly in cities where the weather becomes colder during the winter months) when the appeal of ‘coupling up’ increases dramatically among dating singles – and even those with promiscuous and/or polyamorous tendencies – it would be that period that begins roughly the weekend before or right after the Halloween holiday, and ends very shortly after the conclusion of the Valentine’s Day holiday.  This period is now known as “Cuffing Season.”

During Cuffing Season, many dating singles will find them a ‘temporary’ boyfriend or girlfriend, and proceed to secure them someone to snuggle with when the temperature drops below forty degrees (and even below zero!) in many cities here in the United States.


Beginning with the weekend of Halloween, Cuffing Season is packed with holidays.  Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend, and finally, Valentine’s Day (this being more of ‘special’ day than a true holiday).

Not too many women enjoy being by themselves during this holiday season stretch.  Even on New Year’s Eve … an evening that traditionally has witnessed many dating singles attending various parties and social events without a ‘special someone’ on their arms … many men and women today prefer to attend the end-of-the-year events holding hands with a short-term love interest.


Some men can survive through most of the year on a dating diet of one-night stands and weekend flings.  Conversely, the vast majority of women absolutely despise the idea of engaging in sexual activities with a man one time, two times, three times, or four times and then unceremoniously being ‘dumped’ without warning.

Cuffing Season represents a ‘compromise’ of sorts among the men who want very short-term sex and the women who place a high premium on strict monogamy.  When a man and a woman enter into a Cuffing Season relationship, the two romantic companions recognize that realistically, their ‘relationship’ – if you want to validly call it that – is going to end sometime in mid-to-late February, or shortly thereafter.

The challenge for many men becomes, “What does this woman have to offer me other than the sexual pleasure of her three feminine holes?”  Many men in today’s society have argued that the appeal of spending time with women in a non-physical non-sexual manner has diminished significantly which is why some men pursue ‘sex-only’ type relationships, either honestly or dishonestly.


There is actually a biological reason why many women seem to “catch feelings” toward a man after sex takes place.

Women possess a hormone known as oxytocin (some nickname this hormone ‘the bonding hormone’).  The hormone is primarily released when a woman gives birth to a child, and it is this hormone that provokes a mother to immediately bond with her child.

Well, researchers have found that there is at least one other time that women release heavy doses of oxytocin, and that is when a woman experiences a powerful, intense orgasmic climax during sexual intercourse with a man … and right afterwards, the two engage in lengthy “cuddling, snuggling, and spooning.”

Put simply, a powerful female orgasm + lengthy cuddling = a woman ‘catches feelings’ toward her current male lover.

To put it another way, if a man sucks in bed and/or absolutely refuses to cuddle with women after he brings a woman to orgasmic climax, he doesn’t have to worry about a woman becoming emotionally attached to him.

Note:  Men also release small doses of oxytocin during prolonged episodes of tongue kissing with a woman.


As a man, do you really want to execute a misleading “hump and dump” with women during the weekend right after Thanksgiving or during that week in-between Christmas and New Year’s Day?  Sure, you don’t.  Go ahead … give in to the appeal of Cuffing Season and see how it goes.

No one is asking you to begin becoming “thirsty” during the holiday season or to transition into simping because of a severe case of holiday-related loneliness.

On the other hand, this is the time of the year that it is okay to appreciate what a woman of interest may have to offer you other than strictly what is in-between her legs.

Even if things do not work out in the long-run, at least you will be able to say that for just under four months, you had a ‘special someone’ to call your own while attending a friend’s party or a relative’s holiday dinner.

Go out and make things happen!  Lonely women are waiting for your call.

More about Alan Roger Currie can be found on; Visit Currie’s main website to find out more about his Email consultations, Skype & Telephone consultations, and One-on-One / Face-to-Face Coaching sessions.  Currie also has an active YouTube channel where he offers his own unique brand of knowledge, wisdom, insight, and general advice related to dating and relationships.  If you are a single heterosexual man, and you want advice on how to develop the confidence and courage to be more upfront, specific and straightforwardly honest about your sexual desires, interests, and intentions with women, check out Currie’s eBooks, paperbacks, and audiobooks.  Currie has been a featured speaker at many dating advice workshops for men in the United States as well as internationally.