Pornography is as much a part of our culture as anything. Sure, there’s still a measure of taboo that comes with it but not nearly as much as there used to be. People talk about it openly in public, on TV, on the radio, in movies, it’s everywhere.

Now there’s nothing wrong with porn. If a girl wants to get paid for getting fucked on camera for all the world to see more power to her. If dude’s wanna jerk off to that, more power them. I’m not gonna judge anyone one way or the other.

But there are many, many adverse side effects to masturbating to pornography. They’re well documented and most people probably know what they are. But that’s not what I’m gonna talk about in this article. What I AM going to talk about is how my life changed for the better when I stopped masturbating to pornography.

Now some guys might say: “But Donovan, pornography affects different men in different ways!” and those guys would be dead wrong. Not only is that grossly inaccurate, it’s flat out dishonest. Guys who are saying or thinking that are just using that as an excuse to continue jerking off to porn.

Again, no judgement here but if you like jerking off to porn or you have a porn addiction, just admit it. Doesn’t mean you’re a bad guy. And let’s face it, pornography is awesome. The girls are hotter than they’ve ever been, there’s more variety, you can get exactly what you want down to the hair color and boob size. I know because I used to have a porn addiction and it’s hard to stop, trust me.

But the human body, though it comes in many varieties, is just about physiologically identical from one body to the next. What I mean by this is most physical and mental stimuli affect the body and brain the same way. If a person has a headache and takes a pain killer, that headache’s probably gone. Doesn’t matter the guy’s race, age, or biological makeup. If someone takes steroids, they’re going to get bigger, faster, stronger. Again, it’s because the human body reacts the same way to the same things.

Yes, there are slight differences from body to body, obviously and yes, no human body is molecularly identical to the point where everything affects them exactly the same way. But if somebody does a line of cocaine, no matter who they are, what nationality, race, gender, etc. they’re gonna get high and it’s as simple as that.

Well it’s the same with porn. Pornography affects the body and mind the same way in ALL men. Yes, there are varying degrees but by and large, masturbation to porn has many adverse side effects to the body, brain, and penis.

Now I’m not gonna talk about an article I read or some study I looked up. I’m gonna tell you guys 6 ways MY life changed when I stopped jerking off to porn. And because male bodies work the same and react the same way to the same things, you’re probably going to get the same benefits. And these are real world, life changing benefits guys, I’m not exaggerating here. 

Here we go:

#1: I have a lot more energy

This was an effect that was noticeable almost immediately. I don’t remember the exact date and time I masturbated last but it was around the Spring of 2015 so it’s been a little over 3 years since I spanked the monkey. But I remember when I woke up after the first full day of not jerking off, I was wide awake when my alarm went off. I didn’t have the morning fog most of us experience when we first open our eyes.

That energy sustained itself until around lunch time until it dropped back to normal. This wasn’t bounce off the walls, 4 cups of coffee in an hour type energy. It was a clean low level of energy where you don’t get that mid morning grogginess looking for that next caffeine hit to get you through till the afternoon.

The simple truth is that when you masturbate, you expel testosterone when you ejaculate. When you ejaculate, your testosterone is temporarily lowered. If your’e a serial masturbator (as in twice a day or more) your testosterone will be a perpetual state of little to no existence. Guys who are Low-T are guys who jerk off too much. Period.

“But Donovan, you cum when you fuck too! Doesn’t that lower your testosterone too?!” Yes, but not in the same way and here’s why: Masturbation and sexual intercourse are two very different activities.

Sure, you get the same physiological response (ejaculation/orgasm). But they both affect your body very differently because there is a huge difference between watching someone have sex on a screen, and having actual sex. This means your testosterone levels return to normal levels much more quickly after sex, because your dopamine receptors and your brain’s reward centers were stimulated by a normal, natural human activity. Jerking off is an artificial way to achieve an orgasm. That’s why the body responds more adversely when a man chokes his chicken too much.

A good example would be weight lifting. You could watch someone lift weights all day long but you’ll never get more muscular because you’re not the one lifting weights. Lifting weights and watching weight lifting are two different activities and affect the body two different ways.

Yes, sex can definitely make a man tired (if you’re doin’ it right) but it won’t rob you of your energy. Jerking off constantly lowers your testosterone, thereby lowering your energy little by little every time you fire up your lap top and go into incognito mode on your browser.

#2 – I stay highly motivated

One of the many benefits of having high testosterone (a combination of not jerking off and being on testosterone replacement therapy) is being motivated to dominate life all the time.

I’m up every morning at 5:00AM. I don’t hit the snooze button, I don’t reset my alarm. I get right up, grab a cup of black coffee, walk my dogs, and head to the gym. I lift weights for a couple hours, come home, take a shower, then get started on whatever project I’m working on whether it’s what my show topic is going to be, what article I’m going to write, how to make my podcast better, you name it, I’m on it.

My girl wonders how I’m able to stay this motivated all the time. One reason is that I go to bed around 9:30 (Hey I’m 41…not 21. I need my sleep!). The other reason is that I’m not expelling testosterone by masturbating.

SIDE NOTE: If you want to get the most out of your workouts, DO NOT FUCK YOUR GIRL BEFORE YOU LIFT. I’ve one this several times and my workouts always suck. My girl wonders why I don’t do morning sex and this is why. I’d love to be able to fuck my girl when I wake up then go squat and dead lift to the max, but again, I ain’t in my 20s anymore.

#3 – I was highly motivated to talk to girls

This one’s obvious. When you jerk off to porn, you ejaculate.
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When you ejaculate there’s no motivation to find a girl to stick your dick in because you’ve already been rewarded for doing something you really didn’t do (two different activities, remember?
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So if you see a pretty girl at the coffee shop or at the subway, you may look at her but you won’t say anything because you’ve already had your serotonin and dopamine hit. I had that same problem.

The more you jerk off, the less you wanna talk to girls. This is why low level MGTOWs end up fucking sex dolls, getting addicted to cartoon porn, or completely check out of the dating market altogether. All that masturbation has made real girls all but invisible to them so why talk to them in the first place?
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#4 – I was turned on by real women

When you masturbate to porn, it literally rewires your brain to become aroused by only watching pretty girls get fucked while you stroke your dick. If you’re jerking off and can’t get laid, then you can only get turned on by porn.

When I was addicted to porn, real girls didn’t really turn me on. Maybe the occasional stripper would move the needle but even though strippers look do like porn stars my dick didn’t respond because she’s not getting bent over a couch getting butt fucked by a 15″ cock.

Jerking off to porn literally eliminates your desire to talk to and fuck real women in the real world. When you’re out and about, pay attention to the Men around you. If a 10 passes by you’ll notice that just about every man looks at her. But every once in a while there’s a man who barely notices her…..THAT’S THE GUY WITH THE PORN ADDICTION.

In just a few days I started noticing a lot more women and being turned on by them because my brain wasn’t being bombarded with the images of these tiny girls with huge fake tits getting pounded six ways from Sunday. You will also notice this when you stop and it’s a beautiful thing when this happens.

#5 – It destroyed my approach anxiety

Granted, having Red Pill game certainly helps and is necessary. But when I stopped jerking off to porn it was like a switch was turned on. All of a sudden I wasn’t afraid to talk to pretty girls. As in fearless.

The reason for this was simple. Because I wasn’t jerking off anymore I knew that the only way to get the reward of an orgasm was to have sexual intercourse with a female. Because of that I was approaching girls left and right. And as we all know this is a numbers game: The more girls you approach, the more girls you will fuck.

My non stop approaching got me laid almost non stop because I was horny all the time as a result of not masturbating anymore. It didn’t matter what the situation was. If she had a wedding ring “Hi, I’m Donovan.” If she was looking at her phone it was “You know you shouldn’t be walking while texting. You could kill someone.” It didn’t matter. If she was pretty I HAD to holler because my balls were full.

Approach anxiety is debilitating. But when you stop jerking off it almost instantaneously disappears.
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When your mind tells you that you’ve gotta find a girl to bang or your balls will explode, trust me when I tell you, approach anxiety becomes a thing of the past.

#6 – You will NEVER have erectile dysfunction

If you do a quick search on the web for “Why do more men have ED” you’ll see a plethora of word salads and lengthy scientific explanations as to why guys can’t get it up, then keep it up during sex. I’m no scientist but I can tell you exactly why Men in their teens and 20s suffer from ED from such a young age…


This is common fucking sense. How do I know this? Because when they masturbate to pornography, their dick never fails them. It stands at attention when they open their laptops or phones and go to their favorite porn sites.

It’s not an issue of blood flow, age, or that your dick doesn’t work. It’s that you’ve trained your brain to only respond when you’re watching women get fucked while stroking your dick. As stated earlier your brain has been rewired.

So when a girl you pick up at a bar, club, or a casino gets on her knees and starts sucking your dick, you may get hard for a minute but then you go soft because your brain doesn’t recognize what’s going on. This is a new activity.  You WANT to be able to get hard and stay hard, but your dick is saying “Uhhhhh….what’s going on here? This is different! I THINK I’m supposed to get hard but I’m not sure!”

Meanwhile, your BRAIN is gonna say “Hey Donovan, we’re used to watching pretty girls get fucked on a screen while stroking our dick! I don’t know what this new activity is so I’m gonna go ahead and shut everything down because I don’t recognize what’s going on here.”


There are  all sorts of “medial reasons” for ED but the truth is that ED comes from not being turned on by pretty girls. Nobody goes to the doctor for Viagra because he can’t get hard while jerking off. The commercials don’t say “If you go soft during masturbation you may have ED” NO. You have ED because you can’t get it up with actual women.

Now there may be legit medical conditions involved sometimes like age, blood flow etc. so I’m not discounting that. But If you’re in your 20s and you have a decent looking girlfriend and you can’t get it up, it’s because you’re jerkin’ off too much. It’s not erectile dysfunction, it’s brain dysfunction which comes from chokin’ the chicken to porn.

The solution to this is simple: Stop masturbating to porn and you’ll stop erectile dysfunction in its tracks.

To hear the other 5 ways my life changed when I stopped masturbating to pornography click here.