In my last article, I stopped at foreplay. Today, we’ll continue from there. Good foreplay is foreplay that is carried out gradually. Start by taking her clothes off one by one while kissing and caressing her. You can compliment her body parts at the same time. At the beginning, touch and kiss her body while avoiding her tits and genitals. What makes a girl horny is raising the temperature gradually. Step by step. Figure out what her most erogenous parts are and concentrate on them. It can be various places such as: the earlobes, the knee pit, the inner thigh, the feet, the shoulders, the neck.

You can touch areas such as her booty, but don’t touch her genitals yet. And don’t forget to kiss her repeatedly. We often forget how much a woman can be aroused by a deep and sensual kiss. After a few minutes, you can move to the next step and start slightly kissing her tits. Don’t go after her nipples right away. Take it a step at a time, as always. Start by kissing the lower part of the side of her breast.
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Then head towards the nipple. Some women love it when you sensually kiss their breasts, others prefer when you only kiss and suck their nipples, others prefer when you lick them. It depends on the girl. It’s up to you to identify your partner’s preferences.

At this stage, you haven’t touched her vagina or clitoris yet. Once the girl is getting hornier, you can finally head toward her crotch, and more precisely toward her clitoris. Since the clitoris is sensitive and can easily get sore, you’re going to lubricate this area with vaginal fluid or with your saliva. First of all, start by touching the surface of the clitoris slightly.
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Again, take it slow. Proceed gradually. Men often have difficulty in finding the right intensity. Instead of slightly caressing the clitoris, they start with way too much intensity right away. They are too abrupt.

Some areas of girls’ genitals get sore easily and react badly to intense and sustained touches, whereas some other parts react quite well to these kinds of touches. If you want to touch sensitive areas of her skin or mucosal body parts, it is better to slightly caress or palpate them with your fingers or tongue. It’s better to reserve more intense touches to body parts that are less sensitive (booty, legs, stomach, lower part of the tits, and so on). After you start touching her clitoris slightly, incrementally increase the pressure on it.

Pay attention to her reactions: try to identify what kind of touches (speed, pressure, area) she prefers. Do not hesitate to touch other parts of her body and to kiss her breasts while working on her clitoris. You can make her reach orgasm this way. For some women, clitoral stimulation is enough to make them cum, whereas for some others, it will be more effective to introduce one of several fingers into her vagina while continuing to caress her clitoris…or to penetrate her.

The next thing you need to do is to make her reach orgasm. As always, take it a step at a time. Proceed gradually. Don’t start right away by jackhammering her. You run the risk of hurting her and ruining all the hard work you have done during foreplay. Violently penetrating a girl is not enough to make her come. It doesn’t work like that. So don’t rush things. To make a girl come during penetration, the best way is to stimulate her clitoris while penetrating her. There are various ways to do it, such as rubbing your pubis against hers or using your finger. Some women like to do it themselves. That’s the way you’ll make her cum.

Next, fuck her in a solid way. Many guys get it wrong when it comes to making love with a girl. Many guys treat girls like angels, as if they were some kind of innocent children. And after that, they wonder why they struggle to please women in bed. They wonder why they can’t make them really horny and sweep them off their feet. To satisfy a woman in bed, don’t make love with her, but fuck her. You must be strong and act like a man. If you play it soft during the whole sexual intercourse, chances are that you’ll leave her dissatisfied.

Being sweet and lovely is nice, but it’s not what makes a woman really horny. It’s not enough to make her scream with pleasure. Women want sex. They want hard and wild sex. No matter what some people might claim. So don’t hesitate to fuck her hard. Don’t hesitate to treat her like a bitch. Don’t hesitate to talk dirty, to spank her, to pull her hair, to firmly grab her body parts, and so on. Try this and see how it makes her wet. It may seem kind of harsh, but that’s how it works. Of course you shouldn’t do it in a way that is going to hurt her, but simply be firm enough so that she can feel that you dominate her.

That’s the way you can make her feel your solidity in bed. That’s the way she can feel your masculinity and be completely into you. When you satisfy a girl in bed, she is going to want to see you again. She is going to want to be fucked by you again and again. On the contrary, she won’t be interested in a guy who treats her like a little angel and who is afraid to act like a man and dominate her. So don’t hesitate to kind of mistreat girls in bed. You’ll notice how it makes them wet. And in the end, it can make a girl addicted to you.