“The personal is political.”
-Carol Hanisch, 1970

“The personal is political, also termed The private is political, is a political argument used as a rallying slogan of student movement and second-wave feminism from the late 1960s. It underscored the connections between personal experience and larger social and political structures. In the context of the feminist movement of the 1960s and 1970s, it was a challenge to the nuclear family and family values. The phrase has been repeatedly described as a defining characterization of second-wave feminism, radical feminism, women’s studies, or feminism in general.”

During my “Summer of Hell” last year, I granted an interview to one Ms. Nicole Young, an educator by profession, a University of Pennsylvania graduate, a freelance writer, and a Black feminist. Yes, you heard that last part right. Even though I was NOT feeling well in the least, and my first mind was to pass on the whole thing, especially in light of the fact that she had gotten wind of me via one Mr. Aaron Fountain, Jr., another voice inside my head urged me to go through with the interview and endure the pain-wracking ordeal – and to be sure to record the whole thing. That was on Jul 20, 2021.

And I am so glad that I did.

Seven months later, and just into the New Year, I get word by way of the Black Manosphere grapevine that our interview finally made its way into print – or, I should say, what was left of our interview did. In classic muckraking fashion, what I said was either taken out of context or was left out altogether, in service of a deeply personal agenda that I had long suspected in the first place but which was confirmed when I was able to checkout the print interview for myself on the Elle magazine website (“My Brush With The Black Manosphere”, Nicole Young, Elle, Jan 25, 2022).

Picking up on what happened to Dr. Jordan Peterson over the past few years – where he too had encountered “journalists” of a woke and/or feminist bent that were more concerned with their own editorial biases than getting the story right, I decided that I would record all interviews that I would grant and keep them in reserve in case I was subject to a similar fate as the good doctor. Like I said, I am glad that I followed my own advice (“Joe Rogan – Jordan Peterson Clarifies His Incels Comment”, YouTube, Jul 2, 2018; “Jordan Peterson: “There was plenty of motivation to take me out. It just didn’t work” | British GQ”, YouTube, Oct 29, 2018; “Jordan Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy”, Nellie Bowles, New York Times, May 18, 2018; “The context of Jordan Peterson’s thoughts on ‘enforced monogamy'”, Tabatha Southey, Macleans, May 25, 2018; “On the New York Times and “Enforced Monogamy””, JordanBPeterson.com, Feb 26, 2019). When Ms. Young’s rendition of our interview last year finally surfaced on the massively followed and influential Elle, I simply turned to my archives to release in full, said interview, with minimal additional commentary by me. I was content to let the public review both the print interview article and what actually happened and come to their own conclusions (“”My Brush With The Black Manosphere” Mumia Obsidian Ali Interview With Elle Magazine” YouTube, Jan 25, 2022). Within hours, hundreds of comments came rushing in on my channel alone, voicing their displeasure at how Ms. Young misrepresented what actually happened; by the end of the week easily half a dozen Black Manosphere denizens had weighed in on the matter (“Black Feminist Writes Hit Piece on Black Manosphere in Elle Magazine.”, Bernard Riley, YouTube, Jan 28, 2022; “Obsidian’s Brush with Elle Magazine”, BGS IMBOR, YouTube, Jan 28, 2022; “Brush with the Manosphere Play by Play Shows Why Obsidian Is Great”, Edward Anderson, YouTube, Jan 28, 2022; “The Black Manosphere Goes Mainstream| @ELLE Magazine Hit Piece on @The Obsidian Media Network 2”, Jessica X, Jan 28, 2022). The vote was unanimous: Ms. Young had done a disappointing, but wholly predictable hatchet job on the Black Manosphere in general and me in particular. It was abundantly clear that she hadn’t bothered to actually read my bestselling book, “The Book of Obsidian”; and clearly had her own agenda to promulgate by bringing up matters that I never addressed or mentioned in my book in the first place. On the brighter side however, praise from my peers and colleagues was effusive, with particular mention of my calm poise under fire and in great personal duress given the circumstances. I am humbled by their heartfelt support.

While this certainly isn’t the first time I’ve encountered a Black feminist – those who know me well will kindly recall my tete-a-tete with the notorious Feminista Jones – this IS the first time I’ve actually had a mano-a-mano sit down with one (Jones, despite all her sound and fury, just doesn’t have the heart to face a Black man who can go toe to toe with her intellectually). And, I have to say – that along with observing that among the many things Jones and Young have in common is their being UPenn alumna – I was NOT impressed.

Nevertheless, there are a few lessons learned from the whole matter that are useful to pass along to those in my charge in this dojo, so listen up.

SHAMELESS PLUG AD BREAK: Haven’t you heard? The wait is over, and it’s official – “The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman” is a Number One Bestseller on Amazon is NOW available wherever fine books are sold – get your copy NOW!!! Better yet, get your personally autographed copy – CLICK HERE for more details! OK, let’s get back to the article!

Readers of this column and “The Book of Obsidian” will know well just how much importance I stress on documenting your interactions with the lovely ladies. In my piece, “All The Crazy Ladies” I discussed the fact that academic researchers have scientifically confirmed what we have long suspected: That there are in fact women out there on the dating and mating streets who are on the make for “free food” and other cash and prizes, feigning romantic and sexual interest in their male benefactors when nothing could be further from the truth. Following up on that column-turned-chapter in my “Book of Obsidian”, I made the case that it was prudent that men – particularly Black America’s Non-Select Guys – carefully record and document their social interactions with the ladies, lest things go sideways (“Sex is on the Menu”, chapter 25, from “The Book of Obsidian”). I recommended that men should send to a prospective date for the evening a full itinerary of that evening’s events and that her “sign off” would be required in order to proceed with said date. I further suggested that this itinerary be sent via email, as such electronic communications are indeed admissible in a court of law, and is catnip in the court of public opinion. In this way, the Non-Select Guy has proof of his dealings with the lady or ladies in question: His intentions were made clear well in advance, the timeline of events is well-established by the “e-communication”, and her responses are duly recorded and documented as well. Should things go south – an all too common occurrence with the lovely ladies I am very sad to report these days – you’re protected, by merely releasing to the court (and/or relevant authorities, should it come to that) what REALLY happened – and you’re all set. As you can see above in my case with Ms. Young – who, for the record, I actually liked, by the way – I follow my own advice and it has stood me in good stead.

While what I recommended in my book and the columns upon which it was based directly pertained to dating and mating matters, my interview with Ms. Young clearly demonstrates just how easy it is to transfer what I wrote to other domains; the point here is to document, document, document, ALL of your social AND professional interactions with the lovely ladies, “just in case”. It actually protects both of you, in the event something untoward happens.

You can also easily apply this to your work and professional life – if you happen to work with women on a regular basis, most especially. Employ the “Mike Pence Rule”, whereby you only meet with a female colleague or subordinate in public places, preferably with others present; don’t meet with them alone in your personal quarters, during “off hours” and so on. Make sure that you’re well within view of any security cameras that can document all of your movements and interactions, which can also be used as evidence in court, again, should it come to that, etc. In a post-#MeToo world, one can never be too careful – and as my own personal situation clearly bears out, it works.

SHAMELESS PLUG AD BREAK: Haven’t you heard? The wait is over, and it’s official – “The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman” is a Number One Bestseller on Amazon is NOW available wherever fine books are sold – get your copy NOW!!! Better yet, get your personally autographed copy – CLICK HERE for more details! OK, let’s get back to the article!

Ever wonder why Black feminists like Feminista Jones and Nicole Young spend so much time and energy on amorous matters? It should be obvious: Because their love lives suck, and for many good reasons. For many Black feminists like Jones for example, a big part of their problem stemmed from their appearance; Jones has long struggled with morbid obesity from a young age, hardly unusual in our time where the average dress size of Black women across the board is 18-20(!)! (“Music’s Big Fat Lie”, Feminista Jones, Zora/Medium, Aug 11, 2016).

But that’s only part – albeit a big one, pardon the pun – of the problem. As Ms. Young aptly demonstrates, not all Black feminists are fat – and in fact, quite a few can be svelte and comely. That leads us to another major problem with Black feminists in particular and a deeply disturbingly growing number of “woke” Black women in our time today: That of them allowing all manner of “isms” and quasi-political “concerns” to pervade and derail their interactions with Black men. I’ve addressed this in a previous column as well, but it deserves another mention, because it is becoming that bad out here (“Non-Select Guys Have A Right To Their Own Interests, Too”, Negromanosphere.com, Apr 13, 2020). Far too many Black women, and that most definitely includes Black feminists, aren’t getting the good wood laid upon them for their whacky, often half-baked political “theories”, pet causes and boogeymen that they craft in their own minds. Studies have consistently shown that women in general and Black women in particular are especially susceptible to cultural and social messaging, and that Black women tune in to more television and social media “watching” than any other demographic in the country(!). Therefore, the chances of Black women and their more radicalized sistas like Jones and Young, being influenced in negative ways by social media and the like, are stratospherically high – indeed, Jones is a Twitter addict, and by the looks of things, Young is developing quite a Twitter habit as well.

It is this that accounts for their (read: Black feminists) tendency to “tie” their relationship failures with Black men to “larger causes”, that I refer to as the “Isms”: Racism, Sexism, Colorism, Texturism, Featurism, Fatphobia – you name it – and totally explains how and why they are constantly harping on pseudo-sociopolitical nonsense to explain their mating atrociousness. Of course, all the babbling about nonsense in this manner acts as seriously boner killers for us gents and Black Man Repellent in general, especially if they also happen to be fugly to begin with. It is truly alarming just how many women in America today have allowed their political crap to actually get in the way of them getting some. For example, consider the following findings from an article published on the Survery Center on American Life website, entitled “Partisan attachment: How politics is changing dating and relationships in the Trump era” by Daniel A. Cox, Jacqueline Clemence, & Eleanor O’Neil, on Feb 6, 2020:

“Women are more likely than men to say the abortion issue is a deal breaker. Twenty-nine percent of women say it would be impossible to date someone whose views did not align with their own, while 20 percent of men express this view. Notably, the issue is more of a deal breaker for Republican women than Democratic women (38 percent vs. 27 percent).”

“Trump is more of a deal breaker for women than men. Nearly seven in 10 (69 percent) of women say they would be unwilling to date someone whose views of the president did not align with their own. Men are somewhat more divided. Fifty-five percent say they could not date someone like this, but close to half (45 percent) say they would be willing to date someone whose views on Trump differed from their own.”


“Nearly three-quarters (73 percent) of Democrats say they would be unwilling to date someone who expressed views about Trump that were different from their own. Republicans demonstrate much more openness to dating those with whom they disagree. Fifty-four percent of Republicans say they would not date someone whose opinion of Trump was different from their own, while close to half (46 percent) say they would consider it. Democratic women are much more likely than Democratic men to refuse to date someone who expressed different views about Trump (79 percent vs. 66 percent).”

And in case you think this is purely a “Democrat thing” – you would be wrong:

“Republicans more than Democrats say having diverging religious beliefs is a significant problem for couples. Forty-five percent of Republicans, compared to 26 percent of Democrats, say that it is a major problem when a couple’s religious beliefs are different. This view is particularly pronounced among Republican women. Half of Republican women (50 percent) say dissonant religious beliefs is a major problem, while 39 percent of Republican men say the same. Democratic women are also more likely than Democratic men to express this view (31 percent vs. 19 percent).”

The University of Virginia’s “UVAToday” website agrees:

“OKCupid also found a gender gap larger than revealed in the 2020 exit polls: namely, 73% of women reported they leaned Democratic, compared to 57% of men. By contrast, the preliminary election exit polls found a 56%-48% split. The dating app Bumble found politics ranked ninth out of 50 factors women considered when considering whom to date.” (“HOW POLITICS DRIVE OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS – AND EVEN WHERE WE LIVE”, Jane Kelly, Nov 30, 2020)

And on it goes. Is there really any surprise that the most “political” of women in the country – Black women in general and Black feminists in particular – just happen to be the most single, too?

SHAMELESS PLUG AD BREAK: Haven’t you heard? The wait is over, and it’s official – “The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman” is a Number One Bestseller on Amazon is NOW available wherever fine books are sold – get your copy NOW!!! Better yet, get your personally autographed copy – CLICK HERE for more details! OK, let’s get back to the article!

In the words of the late great Notorious B.I.G., this one here is “strictly for live me, not for freshmen” – and I say that because, as counter-intuitive as it might be, the truth of the matter is that feminists in general – and Black ones in particular – are hands down some of the best lays you will ever have in this life, or the next. The reasons how and why aren’t hard to comprehend, once you sit down and think about it.

First, it’s due to the aforementioned: All of that political nonsense has gotten in the way of many Black feminists getting laid. Since women are herd creatures, it is very important for Black feminists to “tow the party line” and so forth – and while that may work for the voluable minority of Black radical lesbian feminists, the vast majority of Black feminists who remain “strictly dickly” find themselves in a quandary: How do they tow the line and get their back blown out at the same time? Well, one way to square the circle is to shoehorn their horniness into the “right causes” – this is how and why you hear Black feminists bleat on and on about “mass incarceration”, for example: It’s a safe “issue” that at the same time, allows them to get the Select Fuckboy peen they’ve been quietly lusting after to begin with, all the while having a ready made “out” to blame when things go left (as they so predictably do). It’s the perfect crime!

Second, most Black feminists are “average at best” looking, and quite a few are just downright beat. You’ve heard of the phrase that “big girls try harder” and so on, while multiply that times a hundred for Black feminist types. Their freakiness is in direct proportion to their rhetorical harangues, their bloated dress sizes and the multitudinous ways in which they make themselves a hot mess – like shaving heads, then donning purple box braids (I’m looking at you, Ms. Young). You gotta remember: Black feminists are Black women, too, and like the vast majority of Black women, they too lust after “foine” brothers who can lay down the pipe – the problem of course, is said brothers tend to have their own ideas as to who gets the good wood laid upon them, and five will get you ten it ain’t the Combahee River Collective crowd.

And finally, the third reason why I make the case that Black feminists are among the freakiest Black women of all, is because of something the insanely popular YouTuber Black Pigeon Speaks dropped a little while back – he noted that scientific studies have shown, that (Black) feminists are actually turned ON by “sexist, misogynistic men”, NOT the other way around – which would explain how and why simping NEVER works, even with, ESPECIALLY WITH, “woke”, “progressive” Black feminist types. Black feminists talk all that rah-rah out in public but long to be flat on their back, or bent over, or on their knees servicing you, or all of the above, on the quiet (“The Science of Why Feminists Find Sexist Men Sexier”). If you think I speak with just a bit too much familiarity on the matter, you would be right: Whenever possible, I try very hard to wed theory, with practice.

Heh, heh.

SHAMELESS PLUG AD BREAK: Haven’t you heard? The wait is over, and it’s official – “The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman” is a Number One Bestseller on Amazon is NOW available wherever fine books are sold – get your copy NOW!!! Better yet, get your personally autographed copy – CLICK HERE for more details! OK, let’s get back to the article!

Since Ms. Young’s true motivations for her interest in the Black Manosphere came by way of a Zoom date gone horribly wrong, based on what I’ve read of her account that she all-but-lied to me about during our time together last summer, I would recommend the following advice to her and her Black feminist sisters: Shut the eff up. A date isn’t a political rally, a political debate, or a political think tank seminar. Nor is it your “critical thus and so theory” session at university either. A date is supposed to be light, fun, and most of all, freaky – you’re supposed to have a good time, eat good food, imbibe of the wine and spirits and get your back blown out. Life is entirely too short to be all wrapped up in in “causes” that in our social media world today, will be here today and gone tomorrow anyway. Get thee unto a therapist, get some meds for those conditions if you need to, and get on with the business of living, while you still can – or suffer Feminista Jones’ fate, you will.

We’re done here.

Now adjourn your asses…


Mumia Obsidian Ali is a citizen journalist, podcaster, talk radio show host, commentator, newly minted dating coach and author of “The Book of Obsidian: A Manual for the 21st Century Black American Gentleman”. You can catch his daily live shows on YouTube & Mixlr, as well as his dating coach column at the Negromanosphere website. One of the “Three Kings” of the Black Manosphere, Mr. Ali has contributed to the creation and development of Black Male Media. Follow him on Instagram at @ObsidianRadio. He’s also a semi-professional pest.