With the sharp pangs of winter slowly becoming the past for yet another year, and the spring finally emerging just around the corner, we thought it was nigh time to contribute with another article in what has now become our classic series – Looking Sharp.
We gave you some tips and insights on being a player and still staying warm with our article Looking Sharp: How to Dress in Winter, and we also discussed the return of sharp and classic men’s looks in our Return of Class article. We also covered all things Summer related. But spring is spring. Neither here nor there, spring is the time when life begins blooming once again. People feel inspired by the sunshine and the warmth, and that inspiration definitely can be noticed on the streets. No more scarves, sweaters, hats and puffy jackets. For girls, that sunshine is just another excuse to dress as slutty as they can, but what about us men? Well, the coming spring is the perfect opportunity for you to explore new options and hit the streets with an iconic and influential style. Read on as we discuss some sharp and inspiring looks to try out in the coming months!

Freedom of Choice
Looks matter. If Negromanosphere was a bird, then this sentence would be its goddamn tune. We don’t, and don’t want to, judge people by their looks (well…unless they are completely insane sjw’s), but the unwritten rule is that every man owes it to himself to look sharp, inspiring and above all – decent. In our past, your clothes could say a lot about your wealth or social status, but today, a good outfit can tell to the right people that you are a sane and prospering individual, with a good head on your shoulders.
That why we always advocate fashion here on Negromanosphere. It’s the unavoidable aspect of every successful man’s life. And now, as the weather clears, is the perfect time to delve into some perfect outfits.
Now, spring can be a perfect opportunity for more casual, laid back styles, that will still work out well in an unexpected, formal situation. This style is the perfect example of this. Whether going to the uni, walking through the town, or having a date, this style has you covered. It’s the iconic look of a well dressed man – not too formal or try-hard, and not too sloppy.
Dark and well fitting jeans always work amazingly well, and a loose dress shirt just epitomizes good sense and style. Add a messenger bag for your laptop or books, if you’re a busy man, and you complete a look that will always compliment you.

Build an Identity
By exploring different options, and trying outfits you never thought you’d wear, you give yourself an opportunity to hit a hidden jackpot. Until you try something new, you can never know whether it suits you or not. Maybe you always disliked that red polo shirt your mother gifted you. But who knows, maybe it opens up a new world of options in your fashion style. Never be afraid to explore new options. Just don’t dye your hair green.
Now, with this next style, you go a step up, exploring a more formal look. Perfect for a slightly classier date, a laid back business meeting, or a travel, this outfit tells a ton about the wearer. The dress shirt is a tight fit and all the gym bros know that’s what gets the heads turnin’. The wide and oversized leather belt is the perfect contrast and goes well with the simple tailored pants. You’d never guess, but the crowning detail of this simple and straight forward look is the gold wrist watch. It draws the eye and talks of good style, wealth and ambition.
But what about a totally down to earth and laid back style? Something you can wear to the store, but still look better than the rest. With this casual outfit, you got all the things secured.
With a stylish but simple polo shirt, some fitting jeans and a pair of simple sneakers, you got a secured look that is as simple as it is effective. Wherever you are, you’ll fit, even if it’s just the coffee shop.

Always remember that your outfit and the way you dress are non-negotiable. You need to exude your way of thinking, your way of living – through your fashion style. So never hesitate to invest, spend a little extra on a style that is perfect for you. You’d be surprised at how far it can get you in life.
Do you have any favorite outfits? And tips for a good style? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.
Until the next time – Keep Conquering!