Everything is wrong with Nigeria. Nothing seems to work perfectly. The Director won’t give you contract except you pay up front. The banks are not ready to assist entrepreneurs. They are only looking to give loan to those who are already wealthy. They won’t give you loan except you concede a certain percentage.  The man supervising the contract won’t pass the job except you play ball. The clerk won’t pass your file for payment except you give him something. The accounts department won’t raise your payment voucher or cheque unless you see them. The list is endless.


The worst thing is that corruption has become a normal thing that nobody sees anything wrong with. If you think otherwise, they begin to think you are sick and not normal. If you try to stand in their way, you put your life at risk. If you get killed, there is no justice system in place to seek redress and bring the perpetrators to book. The judges themselves are corrupt. The police is corrupt, the judiciary is the same. Even the religious circle is not spared. Everything in Nigeria revolves around corruption.


Nobody cares about anybody. No law and order. I look from my left to right, everybody is only desperate about one thing, money. Everyone is looking for someone to use. They will kill anybody and anything that stands between them and money. In Nigeria, we give jobs to friends and relatives without any basic skills. We don’t care about their performance. We bring relationship into almost everything in this dark country. Everyone wants to cut corners. Everyone wants to jump queue. The problem of Nigeria is in the hands of Nigerians living in Nigeria.


Try starting a gate house in your village, everybody wants to profiteer from it. The bricklayer, the carpenter, the mason and even your brother who claim to be supervising on your behalf. They are all corrupt, morally bankrupt and selfish. Everybody in Nigeria thinks about himself and nobody thinks about Nigeria. Let me tell you a little story to show you how wicked some leaders can be. During the Soviet dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. He was a brutal dictator with a mind of his own. On one fateful day, Stalin came to Politburo meeting with a live chicken.


Standing in front of the audience, he started plucking the feathers of the live chicken off one by one. The chicken trembled in pain, blood tricking out of its pores. It gave out grievous cries, but Stalin, being a cruel dictator, continued without remorse, plucking the feathers out until the chicken was completely naked. After that, he threw the chicken on the ground. The naked chicken was staggering in pain. Stalin reached into his pockets and from there, he took out some chicken food and started throwing it to the poor and hapless creature.


The poor chicken in pain started eating and Stalin started walking towards his seat. As he walked away, he kept dropping some feeds on the floor and the chicken followed him and sat feeding from his feet. Joseph Stalin then turned to members of his political party leadership and said, ‘This chicken represents the people. You must disempower them, brutalise them, beat them up, starve them and then leave them. If you do this, go into your pockets and give them peanuts when they are in that helpless and desperate situation, they will blindly follow you for the rest of their lives, worshiping you. They will think you are a hero forever. They will forget that you are responsible for their sorrowful situation in the first place’.


Now, let’s take a look at all the people some Nigerians are busy defending on social media. Take a look at those they call their heroes. They are the same people who plunged Nigeria into the situation she is. They are the same people who are responsible for their predicaments. Nigerians kill those they should defend and defend those they should kill. We have pastors and immams who are worshipping and praying for wicked politicians. These religious leaders grovel at the feet of political thieves like slaves because of peanuts. And you say Nigeria is backward? It must. Those who should fight for the freedom of Nigeria are busy fighting for peanuts. They are all idiots!