I learnt what a prospectus is from my elder brother many years ago.
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We were still very young. Accessing internet services and computers were not much common in Nigeria then. Sometimes, he would go to cafes and do night browsing. He would make enquiries from foreign universities on internet and some of them would send him prospectuses. We had a couple of them then, printed beautifully in full colours.

In some foreign countries, when you are considering studying in a university, the university will send you a prospectus which usually contains information on the individual courses, the staff (professors), notable alumni, the campus, special facilities (like performance halls for music schools or acting stages for drama schools), how to get in contact with the university, and how to get to the university. They will send you all the necessary information that is needed and you will get acquainted with the school.

Some universities also provide an audio recording of their prospectus being read aloud on CD for the sight-impaired. And these are mostly given out freely. It is not always so in Nigerian universities. You’ll read a black and white brochure and pick a course in a certain university, you’ll go to the internet and see the same course you have chosen. You’ll apply. But when you get to the school, they will tell you that the course is not available.
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You’ll become frustrated and confused, not knowing what to do. You’ll be forced to think of something else, pick another course, or change the university. Universities in Nigeria are citadels of frustration. It begins from the time you get admitted. Then some lecturers will also frustrate you. If you are a female, some of them will tell you that until they sleep with you, you are going nowhere. They will tell you they will intentionally fail you. And it will look like your future is not in your own hands again.

You’ll become dejected, looking for a way out. And these old professors will also add to your already-existing problems. They will shout on you anyhow, as if you are not the one paying their salaries. Most Nigerian professors should be working in farms. They know nothing than to shrink their faces and go about in bushy hairs, with big spectacles on their eyes like windscreens. Must you shout on people before you get something into their brains?

And you know what’s funny? These lecturers will always boast that they are educated. It is true. They are right. They are truly educated but they are not intelligent. A 12 year old boy in some foreign country is more intelligent than a 70 year old professor in a Nigerian university. They will put on their worn-out suits, dust-covered shoes, big-framed spectacles and teach from insects-infested notebooks, believing that they know everything, when they actually know little.