We’ve tried to understand it. We’ve made countless rationalizations for it. We’ve blamed society. We’ve blamed racism. We’ve blamed poverty. We’ve blamed the government. But when are we just gonna realize, it’s just niggas! That’s it! Just niggas!. No dark conspiracy. Just niggas!

We’ve heard the statistics ad nausem about mass incarceration. We’ve rehashed the point about decaying family structures to the point of exhaustion but the outcome is still the same. It seems that black lives exist only as a quick succession of nigga moments that transition from the point of nigga synthesis to the grave.

In the black community, the height of nigga synthesis is the subculture of street gangs. And please spare me the whimsical explanations about how street gangs are like family. Because while families may be dysfunctional, they usually don’t engage in consistent random shootings. And while it is natural for young boys in a community to link up to reflect the culture and flavor of their neighborhoods, the outcome is usually not the constant dead nigga tributes that we seem to be addicted to in the black community.

Honestly, I don’t own a Nipsey Hussle album.
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I know of him only tangentially. But it was clear even from a glance that the dude had “it.” Because you would have to be dope to sell an album for $100.00, and include Jay-Z as one of your customers. You would have to be extraordinary to open a business in an impoverished neighborhood and employ the very people that would eventually kill you. Because after all isn’t that what niggas do?
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Don’t niggas kill the instrument of their salvation? And afterwards, go to the memorial and act a damn fool? Ain’t that us?

The Death of Ermias Asghedom poses more questions than it answers. Are niggas really animals? Are white people justified in their labeling us as Low IQ reprobates? Are niggas really this stupid as to kill the man that would give them a job?

The answer in part is: yes! How else would you explain the continued representation of a culture that even its’ veterans have described as euthanasia? Or the continued participation in an underground economy created by the national security state, where any of your customers, or your competition for that matter, can easily be a police informant? How many times do they have to watch their suppliers slip through countless police sweeps while they are fed like sheep to an insatiable beast that robs them of any decent quality of life?
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These niggas are toxic waste! Hillary Clinton’s assessment of them was deadly accurate. They are super-predators. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Therefore, we must move to rid ourselves of their noxious presence. Though, our decision will be labeled by the ratchet members among us as respectability politics, we must purge these repugnant cretins from our ranks even if it means that we become collateral damage in the process.

This decision must be practical without pity or hesitation. Do not concern yourself with their futures because they don’t have one. They are useless eaters destined to leave a legacy of ashes. They derive their meaning from the pungent order of gun smoke and the temporary adulation of those imbeciles who believe they are someone to idolize.

It is often said that Real Niggas Don’t Die. That’s a lie. They die all the time. So why should we be left with the fake ones?
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So….Die Nigga! Die! No more songs to prick their conscience. No more self destruction. No more we’re all in the same gang. Just a nigga synthesis. Bye Nigga! Die Nigga! Die!

TONY MACEO is a Senior Blogger at the Negromanosphere and the Chief Blogger at Power and Strategy.com. Like and Share the articles. Subscribe to the website. Support by Patreon@Powerofstrategies or on Paypal@wayofstrategy44@gmail.com