Last summer I watched a feature on ESPN detailing the life and times of WNBA star Elena Delle Donne. Her rise to fame and basketball skill were the main topics during the first half of the feature. But they shifted the focus to another element in her life…
Her recent marriage to a woman
Yes, gentlemen, Elena Della Donne is a lesbian. For my money Donne is easily the hottest player in the WNBA. One might take a look at her and think: “She could have any man she wants! Why is she a carpet muncher?”
Elena Della Donne
The standard answer, of course is “She’s a lesbian!” Meaning she is only sexually attracted to other women. But I would submit to you that the reason Donne married a woman is that despite her beauty, she doesn’t have as many male options as you would think.
The fact of the matter is that men don’t want to date, fuck, or marry women who are 6’5″…even if they look like Elena Delle Donne. Even NBA players who are bigger and taller than most people in the world prefer women who are 5’9″ and under. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule in this regard but as we all know the exception does not make the rule.
The bottom line is that there is no such thing as a “lesbian” and here are the reasons why.
Chicks prefer dicks…period
Females are biologically hard wired to be attracted to males. The reason is simple: procreation. Men need to mate with women in order to keep the species alive and well and stave off extinction. Basic math.
That said, no matter what a woman tells you about how much they’re attracted to other females, at the end of the day, she prefers dick; heterosexual intercourse with a man. Regardless of what “lesbians” around the world say or do, they prefer penetration by a living penis.
Both of them prefer dick
Sure, they can use strap-ons and other toys to achieve penetration but a piece of rubber or plastic is a far cry from a warm cock attached to a man who desires her more than anything at that very moment. In an honest moment every “lesbian” would tell you they enjoyed sex with actual men before they decided to “come out of the closet.”
Years ago I worked at a warehouse and among my co-workers was a reasonably attractive woman who was openly gay. She was kind, feminine, and pleasant to be around. I remember a conversation we had about a supervisor on our shift and her exact words to me were: “Man if I wasn’t a lesbian I’d totally fuck Tony.”
This woman obviously wasn’t really a “lesbian” she was just in a “lesbian” relationship. What she said about Tony is the equivalent of me saying “Dude, if I weren’t straight I’d totally fuck Steve!” At that point you’d know I was a raging faggot. Obviously I’d never say anything like that because I love pussy. But my co-worker outed herself with her declaration of lust for our shift supervisor.
“Lesbians” are the undateables of the world
Let’s go back to Elena Della Donne for a minute. As beautiful as she is her height is what limits her male options. What you’ll find if you look at the typical “lesbian” you’ll see that most, if not all of them, have at least 1 characteristic that makes them undateable or unfuckable.
Most “lesbians” aren’t even close to attractive. They’re either grossly overweight, covered from head to toe in ink, severely unattractive, really tall, or any number of features and/or attributes that turn men off the minute they lay eyes on her.
WNBA star Brittany Griner probably has more testosterone in her system than most men. She stands at a towering 6’8″, wears a size 17 shoe, is grossly unattractive, has what appears to be a receding hairline, and has a Adam’s apple to boot. Surprise, surprise, Miss Griner is a “lesbian.”
Nobody was surprised when Griner told the world she was “gay”
The fact of the matter is that women who are undateable in today’s sexual market place are still women. They need love and affection like everybody else. But when men don’t want anything to do with them sexually they can either live a life of loneliness or start dating and marrying other women to fulfill their inherent need for a relationship of some sort.
Men who are undateable don’t turn gay because unlike women, we’re not completely defined by our sexual desirability. Yes, it’s a factor but the one thing females covet above all is social approval with regards to their desirability as women. And if men aren’t going to sign off on them, they’ll do anything to show the world they are sexually attractive in some way shape or form…including going in-house for some lovin’.
It’s just a phase for attractive women
It’s all fun and games until they meet an attractive male
The vast majority of women, gay or straight, have had at least one sexual experience with a woman on some level. From an isolated make out session to a full on pussy licking marathon, today’s women have experimented with each other at some point in their lives.
Every so often you’ll be surprised when you see a “lesbian couple” where one of them is attractive and feminine. You might think to yourself: “That chick likes women?”
Well yes she does but she’ll jump off the “lesbian” train at some point down the road. Count on it. Remember, all women prefer cock and if she’s attractive, it’s only a matter of time before a man who gives her tingles brings her back to the hetero side…which she was planning to come back to anyway.
This is not a phase for either of them
Women are naturally attracted to other women. And why wouldn’t they be? The way women move, smell, look, and everything in between is intoxicating to both sexes so it’s never a surprise when a chick tells me “yeah I made out with my best friend once” or “I slept with a sorority sister one night.”
But for attractive women, being a “lesbian” is merely a phase. They enjoy the novelty, the taboo aspect of a same sex relationship, and all the attention (positive and negative) that comes with it. It’s a mathematical inevitability that at some point she’ll be taking dick again.
I’ve always said that the more status, power, and money a woman acquires, the more she shrinks her potential pool of male suitors. A woman who is an executive at a Fortune 500 company simply isn’t going to be seen in public with Tyrone who works at Jiffy Lube or Michael who drives a forklift at a warehouse. Sure, she’ll fuck them behind closed doors but the men she wants to be seen in public with are her equals or superiors in terms of financial and career status.
The same principle applies to “lesbians.” The more masculine traits a woman has, the less male companionship she has available to her. With every pound she gains, with every tattoo she gets on her body she reduces her sexual market value and eventually the only people who’ll want anything to do with her sexually are other women.
But like I said, no matter how butch or masculine a “lesbian” happens to be, she wants male attention more than anything and would ditch her female partner for a man in a New York minute if given half a chance.
Want more Donovan Sharpe? Visit his website and checkout his podcast The Sharpe Reality on YouTube, Soundcloud, or iTunes.
This is so ignorant, it’s not even funny. Could not keep that opinion to myself. Sorry. About as deep a thought as the flat Earth theory.
nobody gives a fuck what you think.
Nigga, where your hair at?
its on your mommas pussy…
Loved this think piece!! But really it’s a fact piece because women can’t live without the desire of men. Period! I sub to a lesbian couple on YouTube and I love the girls to death but I remember them saying that they would be fine being married to men but they just chose to marry their best friend. I can at least respect their honesty.
You are a simple minded, misogynist male testosterone driven moronic asshat!!!!