Consider the title for a moment? It seems simple enough, however you will be surprised how many of us are unprepared for a new conquest, if you’re a cookie cutter lover this may not apply to you. By cookie cutter I mean you’re basic in bed,  all you want is a nut nothing more.  Those of us who take pride in making our conquest memorable for our new lovers we have standards by which we operate, by that I mean if you wish to have women readily available on speed dial you need not be a selfish lover…attentive is the word that comes to mind.  This does not mean you showcase your whole repertoire the first time out the gate, some of us are blessed enough to be a “triple threat”, by that I mean our finger game, tongue game and stroke game is on point. Think of the moments leading up to sex for the first time with a new partner as game planning or strategy, there is a reason why some men fail at closing the deal…over confidence and assuming it’s in the bag will leave you with blue balls. To put it simply women like a confident man whose self assured but braggadocio about blowing her back out…avoid that cocky talk and never assume the pussy is yours until you’re knee deep in it. So let’s delve deeper into some unwritten rules here

1) always keep condoms on hand that FIT

2) fellas assuming she is coming to your crib take a shower and do a breath check before she comes over…unflattering body odor and bad breath will kill her mood


3) do not bring attention to her under garments not matching


4) never ask a woman to call you daddy or papi in bed…believe me if you are putting it down she will let you know


 5) communicate/be vocal about what you like and ask her what she likes…not every woman reacts the same way to what you think you do well


6) learn and exercise dick control…at the beginning stay away from positions that make you bust quick. Let’s wrap this up, keep alcohol consumption to a minimum, trust and believe I’ve awakened in the morning with some bad chick next to me only to find out I passed out without ever fucking.  


A man who can’t handle his liquor is a turnoff…believe that shit. Last but not least…when you wear a condom it’s to protect yourself against an unwanted pregnancy and an STD so why in the hell would you put your mouth on uncharted territory? Stop eating pussy the first time you fuck a new chick. Women are known for fucking multiple men within a couple days time and in some cases multiple men the same day…don’t be that dumb ass swallowing a man’s semen.