Let’s agree on one fact – cabins are wonderful. For generations past, hunters, outdoorsmen, survivors and hikers relied and enjoyed the cabin life. They all experienced that air of freedom and pristine, primal life that exists by the crackling fireplaces and log cabins in deep woods. And not to mention all those beneficial aspects, waiting for all of you who are following the lifestyles that deal with nature – chiefly preparedness, survival and outdoors living. A life in a cabin will present us with many positive challenges. Most importantly, we are provided with that all-important chance to question our worth and all the knowledge gathered so far. It is a crucial test of worth. For in the end, we all must be prepared when choosing to lead a life, or spend a period of time – far from towns and in inhospitable wilderness. But don’t be dismayed, for this challenge will quickly become a great way for you to develop your skills and master hunting, gathering, trapping and general outdoors living. All those aspects of survival that we written about and went over before, all are contained in this unique experience. So read on as we talk about just the things that make a Cabin life so important and so wonderful.

Where Freedom Lies
It’s no use denying that many of use seek to escape the bustle and hustle of the everyday, urban life. When the workweek becomes hard to bear, when society becomes difficult and tiring, an escape is sometimes all we crave. And for people who share a passion for survival and nature, for preppers as well, a cabin retreat might be the perfect choice. And in a way, staying in your log cabin in the woods for a few days can be a freeing and fulfilling experience.
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And besides letting your mind unwind and soak up the nature around you, you also develop your important survivalist skills.
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Yeah, you brought enough food, but can you use your old hunting rifle and bag yourself a hare for a real, primal, man’s supper? Never hesitate to question yourself and put your truest skills to the test.

The Foundation of Survival Skills
So we discussed the need for your own little cabin retreat somewhere in the nature outside of town. Of course, you can either buy it or build it. The choice is yours. The experience is the same.                But there is one important, undoubted benefit that is connected to this idyllic lifestyle that is often spoke about by our elders. For anyone who enjoys the natural life, spending a period of time in a cabin can bring a plenty of valuable lessons and opportunities for developing crucial survival skills.
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Consider it like this – a well stocked cabin deep in the woods is pretty much a great base of operations for an outdoorsman. This is why hunters often depend on it.  A cabin provides the essentials – a roof over your head, a stove or a fireplace, and a supply of food and water. It is your own little place of refuge, a  valuable assistance in your own struggle against the hardships found in nature. As you develop your skills you also take care of your own well-being. You’ll master trapping and hunting and gathering as you replenish your food sources. You’ll take care of your water sources, gather the best firewood and find your place in the ruggedness of nature. And at the end of the day, you will be able to summarize it all by a roaring flame, with a hot cup of coffee and the invaluable sense of accomplishment.

Chasing The Deep Reward – Conclusion
And when we think things through, delve deeper into ourselves, we can truly see the inner rewards such a life gives. It’s not just the outer things, the skills we learn and develop with our own two hands. It is the very important emotions and psychological value that we receive from the success of our achievements. The confidence, the fulfillment and the thrill. As we develop our skill, we develop our personalities as well. And no matter how long or how brief our stay in the wilderness is, this emotion and the lessons learned will stay with us for a long time to come. The skills will take a long time to fade out.
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We teach ourselves to thrive in spite of hardships, and as we do we become more in tune with our abilities, latching onto the intoxicating feeling of success. This is the greatest movement and possibly the most important aspect of survival – success, confidence, motivation. We hope you too will recognize the values found in a cabin life, and that you will consider spending some time resting and unwinding from the constraints of our busy, tiring, everyday lives.