Some may not know this, but there was a time centuries ago when the concept of rape was not illegal in many cultures and countries.
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  If a woman did not have a husband to protect her, a father to protect her, or rough and tough brothers to protect her, it was very easy for a woman to become a victim of rape.

As times changed and more and more laws were passed to govern behavior in society, rape became a felony offense.
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  If a man was charged with raping a woman, and was convicted, he could be locked up in prison for years.


Soon, in the latter part of the 20th Century, a new and different type of sexual assault came to the forefront of the mainstream.  Led in part by a story centered on an incident on a college campus involving a young lady named Katie Koestner (who was featured in Time Magazine in June 1991), a concept known as ‘acquaintance rape’ or soon to be known as ‘date rape’ emerged.  The primary difference between date rape and conventional rape scenarios is that the male perpetrator was not a ‘stranger’ to the woman.  It was a man who she experienced one or more social interactions with prior to the sexual assault.

In fairness to many men, there have been many women over the last fifteen years or longer who have been found guilty of invalid and untrue date rape charges.  One notable case involves the former Long Beach, California high school football star, Brian Banks.  Banks was falsely accused of date rape and served five years in prison before finally being released in 2012 after his accuser, Waneta Gibson, confessed to him that she had completely fabricated the date rape story.


At the center of every date rape incident is the issue of proper consent.  In order for any man to be found innocent of any charge of date rape, it must be proven in a court of law that his female sex partner granted him proper consent prior to the two engaging in sexual activities.

For example, a woman verbally communicating to her male sex companion, “I agree to have sex with you” would be representative of proper consent.  A woman voluntarily taking off her clothes and initiating physical contact with her male companion would generally be construed as another means of a woman offering consent to engage in sexual activities with a man.

Being more realistic, sometimes sex ‘just happens.’  In many instances of consensual sex, there is no ‘official’ verbal communication of consent by the woman.  Sex just happens in the ‘heat of the moment.’  Consequently, charges of date rape often can become very tricky for men.


If there are at least two factors that can cause a man to find himself in a very ‘compromising position’ when it comes to running the risk of being accused of date rape, it is when a man chooses to engage in sexual activities with a woman while she is inebriated, or while she has drugs in her system.

Ideally, no man should engage in sexual activities with a woman for the very first time while she has alcohol in her system or drugs (e.g. marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth, heroin, etc.) in her system.  In today’s society, this is almost like a man inviting a woman to charge him with date rape.
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  In the 21st Century, alcohol and first-time sex simply do not mix.  Same thing goes for drugs and first-time sex.


Believe it or not, there are some women who intentionally want to consume alcohol prior to engaging in non-relationship / non-monogamous sex with a man for the first time.  Why would that be?  Because many women – by their own admission – want to be protected by some degree of plausible deniability.  Many women do not want to be accountable for their own decision to engage in short-term and/or non-monogamous sex with new male acquaintances for fear of being labeled a ‘slut’ or a ‘whore’ by those in their social circle.  So many women will make sure they have some factor, such as alcohol or drugs, that can provide them with plausible deniability if word gets around of their impulsive and promiscuous sexual tendencies.

This provides yet another reason men must protect themselves against a potential invalid and unfair date rape charge from a woman.

A few tips:

  • Let women know verbally in an upfront, specific, and straightforwardly honest manner that you are interested in engaging in sexual activities with them prior to engaging in sex with women for the very first time
  • Make sure that the woman of interest provides you with some sort of consent and verbal agreement to engage in sex with you
  • Avoid allowing a woman to consume alcohol and/or drugs prior to engaging in sex with a woman for the very first time; Make sure the woman is sober and knows exactly what decisions she is making
  • Never be too physically rough or overly aggressive with women prior to your very first time having sex with them; This type of behavior can backfire on you later if the woman experiences ‘second day guilt’ and regret after the sexual encounter has concluded

Nothing can ruin a man’s public reputation than a charge of date rape or any other form of sexual assault.  Guard your sexual reputation carefully.