There is a clip that has been making the rounds on social media in general and video sharing platforms in particular.   It’s called, “How Wolves Change Rivers.”   In the video it was shown how wolves being introduced to Yellowstone Park changed the entire environment as far as bringing other animals back to the park.  The most incredible thing was that the action of these wolves literally changed the course of the rivers in the park.   I suggest looking up this powerful video.

I remember sharing this video with a former student of mine who is a definite player and he made an interesting observation.  He said players are like those wolves as they are able to change the environment.  I agreed with him to some extent.   Drop a true player into any social environment and there will be a change in the relationship dynamics that were already present.   This environment can be a high school, college campus, department store, factory, or any place where there are a significant number of men and women interacting.    In my opinion that’s on a micro level.   From where I sit a few players have changed the game on a macro level.

With the advent of social media people in general have the ability to get their thoughts heard on a national, indeed, a global scale.   In particular many men who would be seen as players, womanizers, playboys, macks, and even pimps are able to share their views on male/female relationships are a larger scale.  Before they would have been limited to their immediate environments with maybe a handful having the ability to publish a book and develop a national audience.   These players, these wolves, have changed the course of the male/female relationship river.

Before players started sharing their insights via social media many regular men suffered through problems in their own relationships.   Often the books on the market gave trite advice that didn’t improve the situation.   There were a few books on the market by former pimps but the world of pimping and regular relationships are often miles apart.   Thus even these books didn’t help the average man.   The situation has changed for the better now.

The players through more readily published books, videos, blogs, and tweets are telling Joe Average how to deal with women.   For decades, maybe centuries depending on the culture, women had the upper hand in the game.   Don’t believe me?   Many women would be married and have an affair with some man and be able to pass the child off as the husband’s.   For decades the focus would be on cheating men.  The players have spoken up and said, “No, no, no, it’s the women who cheat more.”   The players have spoken up and told Joe Average that women divide men into different categories whether one wants to use the terms, “Select and Non-Select,” or “Alpha and Beta.”     The Players have exposed every single game that women have played.

It’s been greater than the players exposing women.   The players have told Joe Average how can do better with women.   The players are telling men how to dress, talk, and generally be more desirable around attractive women.   Many players are telling men how to get women without spending money.   Let’s look at that game changer.

A big game women have ran on men is to get them to spend money in exchange for companionship and affection.   We’re talking about dates, jewelry, clothing, and even rent.    A significant part of the economy is based off of men tricking.   Think about it.   Dates usually mean dinner dates.  How many restaurants make their money because a man is trying to impress a woman?   If you go into most malls in America you will find jewelry stores right next to each other all doing brisk business.  Why?   Women are impressed with those shiny rocks which only practical use is for lasers.   How many landlords are getting the rent not from a female tenant but from a thirsty man?    The players are changing that dynamic.

As more men learn what to do to not spend money eventually major industries will be affected.  New industries will have to arise to accommodate the new thinking many men are employing because they have been listening to players.  I may do another article on industries that could be created because of the players.   In the meantime be aware that players have changed male/female relationship dynamics.