There’s an ever increasing amount of black women that are finding themselves by themselves. It’s a well documented fact that black women comprise the largest group of single women in America. Also, they are the least partnered and  have the least cohabitation rate. Just for good measure, they’re the least chosen for interracial dating. So in summary, black men aren’t choosing them in large numbers, and neither are other races of men.

What does this data tell us? It’s actually simple. It would be one thing if only black men weren’t choosing black women, but all men across the racial spectrum have come to the same conclusion. How is that accounted for? In the world of science, something is considered a fact or law if it can be repeatedly reproduced. That’s exactly what we see here. Black men gave results that have been repeatedly reproduced by men of other races, with the outcome being the same.

The reason or reasons why this is the case can be and have been debated.  I’m of the belief that it isn’t any one thing, but a confluence of several factors. However, in my opinion, all those factors can be unified into one overarching, all encompassing theory.   Simply put, the pussy isn’t worth the person.

Far too many black women enter the mating market with woefully unrealistic expectations. A great many of them assume that their success in other areas gives them cache in the mating market. The simple truth is having a degree only means that you stuck to a curriculum.  An advanced position in your career field means that you’re good employee.  Neither of those things matter to men as sisters would like to think that they do. Yet, they continue to put stock in these things. To be fair, yes they matter, just not as much as black women want them to. And they certainly don’t make up shortfalls in other areas. Physical attractiveness is, was, and will always be priority number one to men. No amount of success in other avenues such as academia and career will circumvent that fact. no matter how much black women want them to.

There’s the opposite side of the coin is the sisters that manage to find a mate in the market but is unable keep him or get him to commit. Why? They often lack the requisite skills required to maintain a man’s interest. She doesn’t know how to cook. She won’t clean.  She has a bad attitude. She becomes stingy with the pussy. Despite all this, she expects a man to acquiesce to her every desire and put up with her shit. Hell, he ought to be grateful for the opportunity to do so.

These same degree having, high achieving sisters will continue to wonder why they are perpetually alone or in relationships that ultimately don’t last and flame out. In doing so, they will use ever manner of excuse to try to justify and rationalize the state in which they find themselves. In doing so, it will never even occur to them point the finger where it really belongs, on them. Doing so would be an affront to her female ego.  For all the shit that black women talk about fragility of masculinity and the male ego, nothing is more easily broken than the female ego. Don’t believe me? Look at the all fuss Gilbert Arenas caused by simply saying that he thinks Lupita Nyongo is unattractive as well as all dark skinned black women. Now evidently she is pretty enough to be a model and a Hollywood actress, but that doesn’t matter. Why? Because a black man had the audacity to say that he doesn’t find her attractive. It’s a personal affront and beyond their ability to comprehend that everyone doesn’t find them attractive. It burns them to the inner fibers of their very being that someone, somewhere could possibly be of the opinion that they aren’t attractive.

So long as so many sisters conduct themselves this way they’ll be alone. They’ll constantly wonder why their home on Friday night. They’ll wonder why they never get a second date. They’ll wonder why they’re never going to find a man to have a real relationship with. She will constantly be relegated to pump and pump scenarios at best and become spinsters at worse. Why? We already know the answer. The pussy ain’t worth the person!!