So what exactly classifies a woman to be hot? That’s a question that came up the other day over pints with the boys bringing forth one hell of a debate.

At the end of it all a couple of hours later, we concluded one thing, Uganda has the hottest women across Africa.

Now before you start throwing a tantrum, let me explain why.
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And let me do that by answering the first question.
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A hot woman is the kind of woman you see and you instantly want to wet your dick. In her love cup of course!

The kind of woman you want to start tricking on because she has the perfect silhouette, with just the right size amount of ass and titties; a small stomach and the kind of smile that just makes you want to empty your bank account.

If her morals are anything to go by, then they are way north in the moral compass.

This brings me to my topic of the day that Uganda women possess all these traits and so much more. I mean, come on with me and let me break it down to you:

First of all their butts are the truth. Have you ever seen a bum bum and you felt like going gaga! So gaga that you wanted to marry the butt and buy them a brand new Toyota? And a pair of panties? And a year’s supply of tissue paper? Well, that’s what you get in Uganda women. And it’s all natural as compared to Atlanta girls and it whispers to you at night asking you to touch it. Ask Oshay who was on holiday in Uganda the other day. And when you touch it, it’s the softest and you just want to bury your head in it. Remember when R Kelly jumped on the Stripper remix and talked about booty?
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I can guarantee you he was talking about Uganda booty.

Now unlike many other girls across the globe, Uganda girls know how to use their hot bodies and big butts to good use. And this is what I mean, sex for them is not a by the way but a lifestyle. From an early age, they are taught how to be sex maniacs in order to please their men in the sac.
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First of all they have a rope tied on their waist line to reduce it, minimize their stomach and bring out the butt. Not only that, their clits are elongated in order to suffocate your shlong and make sure they enjoy it to the maximum. And speaking of your shlong, trust me they are perfectly educated on how to make good use it. When you go the Uganda way, trust me there is no going back.

And what else garnishes a hot woman than a perfect set of morals that entirely focus on making men feel like the kings they are. Wife a Ugandan woman and your life will never be the same again as she will totally dedicate her life to you.

Dedicate her life to feeding you, washing you and pampering your ego assuring you that you are indeed the man. Unlike many girls who thrive on emasculating and exploiting men, Ugandan women are keen on tapping on your potential and pushing you to the limits. And what else could a man want? When he gets to the house and gets his feet washed before being served with a well cooked meal and later on a perfect pair of buttocks for desert.

Lastly, most women in Uganda now know their rights and recognize that they too can be as good as their male counterparts in almost every sphere of life. There are institutional mechanisms that ensure their advancement in an orderly fashion and a legal framework that has both punitive and deterrent measures to protect women from violations.

The affirmative action that allows girls to enjoy greater access to tertiary education has seen thousands of young ladies enter the graduate ranks and has built the confidence and enhanced the aspirations of those following in their footsteps.

And here is the funny thing; they never let that get to their heads. They still remain humble and grounded and trust me that’s like the sexiest and hottest thing that could you ever think of!