You know, I’m a person who likes to think on different things.   Some people think about what to buy from the grocery store.  I like to contemplate global domination.   A supporter years ago remarked that I like to “philosophize” on different things.   Another associate said I’m too deep sometimes.   I’m just a thinking person though.   Things I’m about to drop are just to make you think.  Some are deep, some may make you laugh, and some just came to me while I was writing.   If anything I say offends you, get over yourself.


Women out here complaining they can’t find a man.  That’s because they’re overthinking everything.  A woman can get a man in two easy steps.  First wear clothing that makes her butt look real nice.  When the man approaches and starts a conversation the woman just needs to steer the convo to how she likes to cook.   The average man makes relationship decisions with his dick and his stomach.   Women really don’t want a man to think too much during the process.


As a man which one would you rather have:  A blow job or your favorite meal?


I watch shows like Maury and Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court.   Let’s be real.  They’re all bullshit.  A woman always knows who the daddy is.   A woman knows exactly when and where she conceived a child.   She always knows she conceived that child with an unemployed bum whose only saving grace was pretty eyes and a 10 inch dick.   The game is women will get pregnant by the sexy dude and then pin it on the man she know will be a good father.


I ain’t gonna lie the real reason I watch Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court is Lauren Lake.   She make a brotha want to take a bath and then get a job with benefits. She phatter than a government paycheck.


A woman should never ask a man his honest opinion on any matter if she is wearing a tight sexy dress.  He’s going to tell her whatever she wants to hear.  “Sure I’m down for meditating to contact the cosmic overlords from the 17th dimension.   After we do that do you want to Netflix and chill?”


I was on a radio show one time talking about relationships and someone called in and asked us what questions we would ask a woman we just met.   The host said he would ask her what was the latest book she read.  I said I would ask her, “Can back that thing up?”


Best time to ask for favors from the opposite sex:

Man asking a woman – Payday and a sale on designer handbags.

Woman asking a man – At night when dude has money left over from buying a couple of handbags and he expects a blowjob as appreciation.


It’s hard to tell a man he should be a good guy when his buddy, the asshole player, is showing him phone pics of women going ass-up.


There are men out here who think that they can punish women by withdrawing from the dating scene.  They loudly proclaim that they are “going their own way,” “going ghost” or putting up a “wall of silence.”   Women don’t notice these men anyway.   The only thing that will make women sit up and pay attention is if the “Alpha Males” start to ignore them.


A man who is ugly and broke needs to have a good stroke and a thick tongue.


If a man fights through a snow storm to see his woman and when he gets to her house she doesn’t let him in because he didn’t call first he really doesn’t have a woman.


Watch out for those quiet awkward girls.  Just saying…


Fellas when you are with a how young lady don’t answer your texts.  It’s probably your girlfriend.


My father said to me one time, “You can bullshit a woman just never lie to them.”