I have been engaged in too many things recently and that has not given me the opportunity to write extensively. But I will find a way to write, no matter what. I think I should talk about SIMPING, feminism, African men and African women. I have had to endure a lot of insults from Nigerian women lately because they feel I hate them. But I do not hate them. I am only saying what I know about them. Now, I am their enemy because I refuse to lie to make them happy.


NIGERIAN Women are never satisfied!


They are not easily pleased. They like to be deceived, too. They like it when you tell them things that make them happy and comfortable. They like to be pampered with lies. They appreciate it when you spoonfeed them with deceit and serve them with beautifully branded lies. The contemporary African woman is not easy. They like to drag authority and positions with men. They deceive themselves by claiming they are equal to men.


They become proud under the pretence of feminism.


They want the man to pay for the date, buy expensive things for them, open doors, carry their luggage, etc. They want to be treated equally to a man in almost everything. They want equality with men for things like money and power, but when it comes to taking responsibility for mistakes or errors in judgement, they will shrink back and say they are women. And therefore, they are weak. They want the power that comes with being a man and the privilege that comes with being a woman, but they are not ready for responsibility.


Most of the time, they will be the ones to cause problems in a relationship and they will be the first to come out and cry foul. They always like to play the victim. Women are never guilty. No. They are not. They are always right. They are always correct. They never sin. It is the men who are always in the wrong. It is the men who are always responsible for every problem. A woman will shed crocodile tears just to make people believe that you have cheated her. They know how to manipulate a man to do what they want. And that would cause me to talk about simping.


Most African women know how to turn men to simps. A simp is a man that puts himself in a submissive position under women in hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table. A simp is a man that puts too much value on a female for no reason, or a man that prides himself with chivalry, in hopes of getting sexual gratification from women. I have written about it that men pay women for sex most of the time. Women don’t always pay men for fucking them. It is not so common. Only few women pay men for fucking them.




There are women who will even tell you that you can’t fuck them until you pay them a certain amount. And they won’t even put AC in the pussy. They will also tell you that they are not prostitutes. But they keep collecting money for sex. The same set of women will come on social media and be claiming feminism after collecting our money. These idiots who can’t pay us for fucking them! Men and women are not equal, please. Men are always greater. And stronger. Anyone who tells you that men and women are equal is either stupid or trying to deceive you. Even the Bible calls women weaker vessels. Don’t argue with me. Argue with your Bibles.


The other day, I read of a girl who helped her boyfriend financially through school. She made sure the guy fulfilled his dream of going to school by providing him with the necessary things needed for his education. The guy graduated and proposed to her and bought her a car to show gratitude. The girl, to me, is the real feminist. The real feminists don’t talk about feminism. They practice it. They don’t drag superiority or positions with their men. They don’t fight verbally or physically to prove that they are strong. They show their feminism in their actions. And we know.


But, I don’t understand the kind of feminism that most African ladies practise. They beg almost everything from their men and they still come back to run their mouths that they are equal to men. Where is the equality when you find it hard to give anything to your men? Where is the equality when you have to pack to a man’s house at the end of the day? Where is the equality when a man has to pay your dowry? You people should just shut up your dirty mouths! It is impossible for a woman to be equal to a man. We were not created the same. Genetically, we are different. Biologically, we are not the same. If you want to say any other thing concerning men, you are free. But don’t say you are equal to men while I am still alive. I won’t accept that!