Recently, on social media, I have been seeing pictures and reading about young Nigerians being arrested by the police for killing fellow humans and using their parts for money rituals. These are young boys between 17 and 25. They want to be successful by all means, without working. They want to cut corners. They want the easy way out. They didn’t know that the easy way could sometimes be the hardest and the most dangerous way.

The desire for quick success without paying the price or following the principles has been taking over the average Nigerian youth recently. Everyone wants to ride the latest cars and live a life of luxury without working for it. Everyone wants to chill with the big boys and live the best life at the expense of other humans. Youths are not interested in learning the principles of success anymore. They are not interested in giving value to attract the money they want. They just want it. And by all means.

So, today, I’ll be talking about some few things that can help us to progress gradually in life as African men without going into money rituals. These are not secrets, as there are no secrets to success in life except work. They are only principles that if properly followed, can greatly help us to move forward. Perhaps if we do the right things we need to do at the right time, we will get the right results that we desire. These principles are highlighted below. And they are simple. Let’s go through them.

  1. Don’t let life happen to you. You should happen to life. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future works less in the future. It is a popular belief that he who fails to plan plans to fail. And it is true. You can never feature in the future you don’t plan. You don’t need to rush. You only need to be organized by thinking on paper. Write down what you want to achieve and where you want to go. Write down what you want to do. It will simplify your life and allow you to move easily.
  2. Don’t joke with ideas. Don’t take ideas for granted. You need to develop the habit of keeping a pen and a writing pad handy because ideas come like a flash. You can’t always trust your brain for everything. The smallest pen is bigger and better than the biggest brain. And if you are someone who likes to move freely like myself, who doesn’t not like going about with a notepad and pen, you can download NOTEPAD on your phone and easily write down things on it. It will help you.
  3. Help people as long as you have the ability. If you are not capable, let them know. You don’t have to force yourself to do what you can’t afford just to please people. Try to show kindness to everyone. There are people who are not big today but who will become big tomorrow. Don’t look down on anyone. Just do your best. You may help some people and they won’t appreciate. It happens. Just smile and move on. You have done your best as a responsible human being.
  4. Don’t act like most people. Be different. Most people like getting things from successful people but they don’t always remember to give things to successful people. It is not good enough. Successful people don’t have everything. They sometimes lack. You can occasionally buy gifts for them. They will appreciate. Make friends with them and study how they live their lives. You will learn a lot from them that you can also use to improve your life.
    If you understand the ways of the rich, you may become rich.
  5. It is important to have someone who inspires you. You may need to get a mentor whose instructions you can follow. You don’t need to see them all the time. However, you need to respect the relationship.
    Don’t fall into the temptation of begging your mentor for money or other benefits. You’ll spoil the relationship. They will even start avoiding you if you choose to become a pest. You need to respect their privacy and allow them to breathe.
  6. Friendship is also important in life. This doesn’t mean you have to befriend everyone. You need to be selective. You have to choose your friends like you choose your clothes. You need to make friends with quality people, not just anyhow people. You can even make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. You should create a network of quality friends and not just connections.
  7. Create time for reading. It is very important. You need to constantly develop your mind by reading. Even if it is just one book you can read in a month, you are better off than someone who doesn’t read at all. If you read one book monthly, you would have read twelve books in a year. Reading sharpens your mind. It gives you exposure. It allows you to travel the world in your imagination. You’ll become more enlightened and intelligent.
  8. Finally, take care of yourself. Take care of your body. Learn to create time for rest when it is necessary. Don’t overwork yourself to death. Don’t stress yourself too much. There is no success without you. You can’t achieve your dreams if you are sick. A sick person has no dreams and no goals to achieve. It is foolish to overwork yourself and gather enough money only to give it to doctors who are taking care of you because you have become sick as a result of not resting. He who fails to rest will be eventually laid to rest. Be wise.