Most people in the free world are well aware of the Drake vs. Pusha T fued that was sparked by Pusha T’s Infrared diss on Drake. Since then it’s been a back and forth and the Hip Hop community is here for beef.
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But the latest Hip-Hop feud points to a larger problem in the black community that does far more harm than good and the problem is nobody seems to be aware of it.
The problem is this in-fighting that the black community seems to almost relish. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a Hip-Hop feud because that’s part of the business. The Jay Z vs. Nas beef gave us two of the greatest diss tracks in history.
50 cent vs. The Game was another good one. But one of the greatest feuds of all time indirectly lead to the deaths of two of the most legendary emcees of all time, Tupac and Biggie. Now this is the outlier situation but by and large, most beefs in the Hip Hop world don’t end in death.
Now it’s one thing for two rap moguls to lock horns and engage in verbal jousting because in the end, both recording artists get a bump in Q-rating. But when members of the black community who don’t have 7, 8, 9-figure net worth get into these beefs, it destroys the participants.
Mandingo fighting
In the 2012 Quentin Tarantino film Django Unchained, we were introduced to what was described as “mandingo fighting.” From what we gathered, mandingo fighting seems to be loosely defined as two slaves who literally fight to the death, presumably for the entertainment of plantation and slave owners. It’s assumed that any slave who refused to engage in mandingo fighting was killed.
So what’s this got to do with in-fighting in the black community? The demand. Not from white people, but from black people. For reasons known only to them, members of our own community seem to have an unquenchable thirst to see us fight and destroy each other. And we have no problem obliging them for what we think is for our own benefit not knowing that it may not end well for us.
When people within the black community get into some sort of beef, the black community is akin to the mob back in the Roman times. The bloody and violent gladiator battles staged by the emperors and caesars back then grabbed and kept the imagination of the the very people who were being destroyed in these spectacles.
The difference is, nobody’s organizing these fights. We’re doing this to ourselves and in the end nobody wins. With the exception of the onlookers, it’s a lose-lose proposition for all involved.
A personal example
Last Sunday, I was on Oshay’s show along with Alan Roger Currie and Alpha Male Strategies. We debated about various elements of pickup game, female attraction, and general game application. The conversation was lively, we got loud, and shit got real. In the end, we all came away from the show with the respect we have for each other still in tact.
But an interesting thing happened during the show. We had people in the comments section stoking the flames and attempting to make this a personal battle. Yes, we had people disagree with various elements of the conversation which is perfectly normal and encouraged. But when you have people saying things like “Alan’s an old man who isn’t with the times” or “Donovan’s white boy game doesn’t work” or “ARC coming off as a butt hurt wannabe dating coach” or “Sharpe is a punk ass nigga who’s never smelled pussy” that doesn’t help anybody.
Now don’t mistake me here. I couldn’t give less of a shit what people say about me. Trust and believe I’ve been called worse and it doesn’t affect me in the slightest. I know who I am and I know who I’m not and I’m not gonna let internet trolls control my frame or my narrative. I’m sure Alan feels the same way.
However, this behavior is indicative of the black community shitting on their own for the sole purpose of getting a rise out of us for their own entertainment. It’s like these people attempt to pimp us out for a few laughs.
Fortunately for us, we didn’t stoop to that level. We didn’t get into some back and forth on YouTube slinging mud at each other or tearing down each other’s brands to make ourselves look better. We all tipped our caps to one another, acknowledged that we all have different points of view and experiences experiences, and that at the end of the day we’re all on the same side. We didn’t give the mob what they wanted.
ARC and I didn’t get into this niggafied bullshit
Unfortunately, most black people succumb to the temptation of getting clicks and validation of their point of view. They post videos talking shit about each other, slam each other on social media, and engage in female activities. And when the smoke clears, both parties are worse off than when they started and for what?
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A few more subscribers? A few extra bucks?
One of the reasons I’m glad I’m a part of the Negromanosphere is because we don’t engage in that sort of nonsense around here. Yes, Alan and I had several heated exchanges during the show above but in the aftermath, we handled it like men. We didn’t go on a public tour of besmirching one another’s brands. We squashed it right after the show and life goes on.
The black community at large would do well to emulate this behavior. Don’t give into the temptation of clicks, views, and false validation like most short sighted niggas out there. Do what Alan and I did. Have a man to man talk, acknowledge each other’s different points of view, and move on. Don’t give the mob what they want at your own expense.
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