Many of us own a WordPress website but most WordPress users have no idea how to automate this type platform. Check out 5 plugins that can make anyone’s life much easier.

5) Akismet

Every website created will appreciate a good spam filter. Spam, the most annoying thing on the Internet, spares no websites when it comes to spreading useless links and if your website is new, you can expected to be spammed to death in the comment section.

Luckily for us, Akismet protects you from that while allowing your real visitors to express their thoughts.

4) All In One SEO

Handling SEO can be a painful process, especially if you have a lot to deal with when it comes to maintaining your website.

Imagining dealing with the latest SEO updates while managing a retail business or a blog. That means double the work while managing orders or creating new content. Luckily for your, Michael Torbert thought of this and invented All In One SEO, a plugin that nail down the basics of SEO. The best part of All In One SEO is that you can edit the metadata without touching the source code, ever.

3) Wordfence

Hiring a dedicated IT guy to protect your platform is a huge financial effort, especially in the early stages. Luckily for you, someone already figured this out and Wordfence came to existence.

Wordfence is a trusted security plugin for WordPress users with the purpose of protecting your website from cyberattacks. The plugin is pretty much the most popular of its kind so there’s a large community that can help and assist you if you have any questions or issues.

2) WP Super Cache

By now, everyone knows that load time affects the user experience and ultimately ranking on search engines. Caching means that internet files are temporarily stored on your device for the purpose of improving your loading time for future entries.

Ultimately, the loading time will determine website’s success rate so be sure to add WP Super Cache to your WordPress panel.

1) Google Analytics

What better way to read data than Google Analytics. Google Analytics is the first thing you want to see when login to your WordPress panel and that’s because it includes all the information necessary about your public.

That meaning sex, age, location, and education among others. The plugin also updates you on your website’s traffic with the most popular posts/products. This right here is the Holy Grail of plugins.