The Life of the Black Republican Conservative comes at a impressive cost with regards to losing your “NEGRO” card in the Black Community. When you lose your “negro card” in the Black Community, you are no longer allowed to eat fried chicken, chitlins, or crip walk to Snoop Dogg songs on BET After Dark. You will also be prohibited from eating this:


Now that was fucking racist right? 




   It is hard to denounce the ideology that ALL Blacks are victim to the EVIL “WHITE DEVIL” who pulls the strings over the faint and weary in the Black Community. It is hard to show up to family dinners and explain to “BIG MAMA” why you voted for Donald Trump for the Presidency. It is extremely difficult to explain why you denounce the constitution and legitimacy of buffoonish groups such as Black Lives Matter. The walk of the Conservative Black American is the constitutive walk of ultimate derision! Despite the walk of loneliness with regards to people who share my skin tone and subculture, I would rather walk alone than to walk with Negro Ass wipes who continue to the support the criminal and irresponsible philosophies of the Liberal Left! 

    I became in the absolute knowledge of  conservative constitutional wisdom as a 26 year old man. After being cradled by my Liberal Black Democratic family for my less than stellar performance in life, I realized that it was not the “WHITE MAN” who was holding me back. My black ass was holding MY OWN SELF BACK! It was at this point that I realized that I control my own destiny and not a white supremacist puppet master who pulls the strings. The “boogeyman” ideology presented by the left with regards to the Black Community creates this institution in the minds of the African American. I was a dumb stupid Black Democrat for many years. I blamed my problems on every one else but myself. It was society who was my enemy. It was the government who was my enemy. One day, I looked at the common denominator to see who was involved in all of my failures in life and guess who it was? ME!


    The stupidity of the Negro Left is to totally remove self evaluation with respect to self improvement. I have stated multiple times that Black Democrats are by far the stupidest group of mammals on planet earth. This is the exact reason why Black People can totally denounce Police brutality but be quiet when they see this particular image on every corner in their community.



   The complexity of dealing with Black Democrats is that they are unable to comprehend anything that makes sense. This also adds to the unbearable load that comes with the territory of being an Black Conservative. You are consistently surrounded by ignorant Black Democrats who are amazingly dumb. They defend mindsets and ideologies that are diametrically opposed to their benefit. When you explain to them that they are defending policies and ideas that are not in their favor, they will become upset. So wait a minute. You are mad at me because you don’t want me to join in with you in your fucking ignorance? 



I will give you an example of the fuckery I am speaking of. Coleman Young was the mayor of Detroit from 1974-1994. His fucking policies destroyed the city of Detroit. He was a liar, a thief, and the king of corruption. Inner city schools failed while people fled the city. Yet, Black Democrats continued to vote for this guy as MAYOR! WHY? Because Black Democrats are STUPID! Black Democrats love anarchy and complete chaos. Black conservatives like discipline and development. This is exactly why it is totally impossible to have ANY type of meaningful relationship with any negro ass wipe on the left. No accountability added to bitching and moaning = NO PROGRESS! Go to any Black Democratic led city and you will witness this math equation being produced 24 hours a day. On election day, you will still see Black people voting for the same group of people who don’t do shit for them. Ever heard of this guy who blacks voted for 2 terms and didn’t do shit for African Americans?



   In closing, I must admit my journey as an Negro on the right has been a tough one. I have lost many friends as well as colleagues behind my political views. For those of you I have lost, I have one thing to say: FUCK YOU! I have met many great Conservative thinking friends on the right and I am so grateful for you. I would suggest that Black People continue to find those who are like minded by using avenues such as YOUTUBE and political discussion forums. Have a great fucking day Bitches!