The latest Royal Wedding happened this past May and Black women have predictably used this event to inflate their already oversized egos. Sisters everywhere are rejoicing because Meghan Markle married Prince Harry and to be honest with you, their joy is legit…..kind of.
We all know that black women are at the bottom of the sexual totem pole. In other words, black women are almost nobody’s type. They know that no matter how much they brag about men of all races, most notably white men, wifing them up, it’s simply not true. They know this too.
But when Prince Harry, a high value white male decided to make Markle his wife, black women jumped for joy because a “black woman” has literally become a princess. A “black woman” was chosen by a man would could have most any woman in the world and good for them.
Now I use air quotes because Meghan Markle is biracial. Her mother is black, and her father is white, which by the way, further adds to the delusion that white dudes are checkin’ for black chicks on the regular. It’s also worth noting that black women claim what they define as successful women as their own if they have even trace amounts of African American Heritage. “Her great, great, great, great, great grandmother’s father once kissed a black woman so she’s a black woman”
“But….she’s got blonde hair and blue eyes”
“Fuck you nigga, she black!”
You can’t tell these bitches anything. Anyway, Meghan Markle has pulled of the greatest heist in the history of relationships by convincing a Prince that she, a woman who’s a few years away from menopause, been married once, dated a porn star, and was in a sorority in college, is a better option than the millions of younger, hotter, more fertile women out there.
And let’s get one thing straight here guys. Nobody here’s throwin’ shade on Markle. At the end of the day SHE WINS. It’s extremely rare for women her age to punch that far above her weight but she pulled it off and I give her full marks for that.
Where I’m throwing shade at are the black women who are characterizing this as a watershed moment in their history. “Black women are calling this a game changer.” But here’s the problem: It’s not.
Zoe Saldana married Marco Perego? Nothing changed. Serena Williams married Alexis Ohanian? Nothing changed. When Iman married David Bowie back in 1992 NOTHING CHANGED. Black Men are black women’s only option and that hasn’t changed. But black women think that Meghan Markle becoming the Duchess of Sussex is supposed to all of a sudden cause white dudes to start banging down their doors to walk ‘em down the aisle and that is simply not the case. And the sad thing is that they don’t know it.
This changed not a goddam thing
But here’s why Markle is bad news for black women: Black women are already the least feminine, most masculine, most entitled, most stubborn and bitchy women out there despite the fact they’re the least preferred women. But Meghan Markle tying the knot with a prince has given them even more false confidence. They think that their collective sexual market value has been increased by one outlier. You think they were poorly behaved before?
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You guys ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Be ready for the worst brand of black women in history gentlemen. It’s coming.
We’ve got black women telling their daughters that they, too, can be a princess if they want to. What do you think these girls are gonna be like when they get to marrying age?
The fact that Markle basically sold Prince Harry a 2015 Jaguar with a quarter of a million miles on it is giving black women a false sense of worth. They don’t understand that self worth comes from YOURSELF. It doesn’t come from what other people do or don’t do. Black women aren’t going to change because they now think they’re worth more simply because a “black woman” has pulled off the greatest con job since the invention of the Pyramid scheme.
Another element to this situation is that the Royal Wedding further dupes all women into mistaking a man’s sexual interest for a man’s interest in wifing her up. Fuckability doesn’t equal marriage material….at least not as far as Men of value are concerned. Beta males and simps wanna put a ring on it the minute a half decent looking woman gives him the pussy but they don’t count. Women don’t wanna be with these guys. They marry them because they HAVE to. After all somebody’s gotta help her take care of her 3 bastard kids right?
But women foolishly believe that if a Man fucks her a few times, he’s thinking about a long term relationship and nothing could be further from the truth.
Would I fuck Meghan Markle? You bet your ass I would. But that doesn’t mean I want to marry a woman pushing 40 who’s been fucked by cocks into the triple digits. Red Pill aware men know and understand this concept. We know that women who get passed around get passed over later in life by the Men who passed them around….the men they REALLY want. We know our value. Unfortunately Prince Harry doesn’t fully understand the extent of his own sexual market value. How else can you explain him being dumb enough to rescue, yet, another woman from her bad decisions?
Other than being attractive, Meghan Markle has done positively NOTHING to show us she’ll make a good wife and trust me when I tell you her attractiveness will fade quickly as it always does for women. She has so few redeeming qualities as a woman befitting the title of the Duchess of Sussex that Yahoo wrote an article describing her as a “keeper” because she reached over and opened the driver side door after Harry let her in his vintage Jaguar. That’s how far women have fallen gentlemen. Women are making a big deal of a simple gesture and characterizing it as wife material.
“OMG wife material!”
Just because a woman doesn’t sleep with you on the first date doesn’t mean she’s not a slut. It takes lot more than reaching over and opening a man’s car door from the inside to prove that you’re worthy of being married to a Prince.
That said, Meghan Markle deserves this. She managed to trick a Prince into marrying her which couldn’t have been easy even though Prince Harry’s as blue pill as they come. Throwing shade at her for walking down the aisle is just bein’ a hater.
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I mean, what was she supposed to do say “No Harry, I will not marry you because I’m a former party slut who’s well past the wall?” Of course not. A professional athlete’s not gonna turn down a $100 million contract because feels his performance is inadequate. No….he’s gonna sign on the dotted fucking like he should. Don’t hate, gentlemen, congratulate. What Meghan Markle has pulled off is nothing short of a fucking miracle.
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But she’s bad for black women because they’re going to get worse now because they think their Prince Harry’s are out there looking for them. We’ve already got black women lying about this fantasy. The day of the wedding, I had a black women tell me on Facebook that she was mixed and engaged to a white guy. Bitches are already having delusions of grandeur and have wasted no time lying about it.
Meghan Markle has only helped herself. But in the process she has doomed black women to even more lonliness, frustration, and anger.
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