The shameless plunderers, the looting colonies, the unconscionable thieves and the unrepentant criminals who stole everything in sight in Nigeria in sixteen years are now talking tough, telling us how they plan to return to power in 2019. We see them every day pretending as if we have forgotten the rot they visited in the land in sixteen years. They maintain bold face or what a friend described as ‘whispering in the dark’ (fake courage) in the face of devastation and decimation they inflicted in the land of 180 million people.


They stole what they do not need, they stole for themselves, stole for their children, their grandchildren, great grandchildren, and they stole for their girlfriends and concubines.  PMB has collected trillions from them, houses worth trillions and cars and SUVs worth billions and yet they show no remorse. They pretend as if there was no yesterday, as if all of us have short memories. They mock us as if their fathers and fore fathers own Nigeria and others are mere foreigners. They talk as if we owe them apologies for decimating and debasing the commonwealth.


These good-for-nothing gluttons. Useless political pilots. I was told that the medicine man that placed this curse on them died with the antidote. If the medicine man did not die with the antidote, tell me where the fake boldness is coming from. Of what meat are they fed? Who is beating the drum for them? Where is the boldness coming from? Maybe we are a bunch of never-do-wells, without sense of history, without understanding, without heads, without ideas, without knowledge, without life.


One of the unrepentant master of lies and deceit is the former President Olusegun Obasanjo who rode to power in 1999 by dancing on Chief M.K.O Abiola’s grave. Chief Abiola won a presidential election on June 12 1993 but Obasanjo claimed he is not the Messiah. He encouraged those who annulled the historic elections to get away with it and incarcerated Abiola for five years and eventually killed him and destroyed his huge business empire. Obasanjo later became the president in 1999 because South West had to be appeased and compensated for the June 12 saga that claimed thousands of lives.


Now, how Obasanjo ruled Nigeria for  eight years, with his deputy, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar is another big story. While in office for eight years, Obasanjo could not recognize Chief MKO Abiola or make an attempt to immortalize his name. The wicked and shameless reprobate never mentioned Abiola’s name even in any discussion or conversation. The ingrate did not remember his collapsed businesses and the totally devastated family. Instead, he deliberately punished South West for eight years for not voting for him in 1999.


Obasanjo seized Lagos LGA allocations for years until the late President Yar’Adua came in to release the funds. Obasanjo could not find the killers of Chief Bola Ige, his Attorney General. Even those accused of having a hand in the murder were set free. One of them Iyiola Omisore was even crowned a Senator from prison. Obasanjo wasted 8years in office which Yoruba would have used to reposition Nigeria. While in office Obasanjo set up Bells University and extorted money from Nigerians to build a presidential library.


At a time Obasanjo threatened that if he had his way he will throw Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu out of a moving aircraft. Time and space will not permit me to narrate all the atrocities he committed and how he converted Aso Rock to a brothel. This is the man who wants President Buhari, who is very busy and breaking his back to fix a battered nation that OBJ and his co-travelers left behind, to go. Buhari is busy fixing the rot they left behind, healing the wounded country and wiping away tears from the eyes of the offended.


While PMB is busy rebuilding Nigeria, the looting gang led by Obasanjo and Atiku are busy encouraging killers across Nigeria just to get at PMB. But we still remember Odi and Zaki Ibiam massacre. Worsted by PMB left and right, front and back, up and down Obasanjo has been running helter-skelter to harass a sitting president, but all to no avail. He wrote letter to PMB not to run in 2019 thinking that he will be supported and instead he got public opprobrium and condemnation.


The other day, Obasanjo’s deputy, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar was in Bayelsa to campaign and I watched him talk about insecurity, division in the land, economy and others. He thought we have forgotten. Atiku has been part of the problem, part of the looting gang and part of those who crushed and decimated our yesterday. Atiku who want to rule Nigeria cannot travel to the United States of America for fear of facing corruption charges. Atiku’s hands are soiled in every ugly deal in Nigeria right from his days in the customs to his exploits at Intel, Nigeria. We know what they have done in the past. They are bastards!