The concept of karma is quite literally flipped on its head because most women respond more favorably to poor treatment from men. Unappreciative, disrespectful, and abusive men enjoy more success with women than men who are respectful, accommodating, gentlemanly, and provide.
This is what happens to men who treat women “like queens”
Put simply, the worse you treat women the better they treat you. The better you treat women, the worse they treat you. Doesn’t sound like “karma” to me.
“What goes around comes around” is also a statement people cling to in order to cope with a wrong that has been done to them. If a girl cheats on a guy he’ll keep repeating this to himself to make himself feel better about the fact that she’s getting pounded out by someone else.
Women also use “karma” as an excuse for bad behavior. They’ll go fuck their boyfriend’s best friend and chalk it up to “karma” because “he was soooooo rude to me the other night, so he deserved it. #karma!”
People use karma to feel better
I can understand that if a guy gets fucked over by a girl who cheated on him, he needs something to cling to in order to keep from losing his mind. The fact that he’s sitting at home alone while she’s getting pounded by another guy at that very moment is hard to handle. Especially if he still has strong feelings for her.
Men like this cling to “karma” to feel better about what’s just happened to him
Men sometimes cling to “karma” to help them to get over the pain and agony of knowing his ex is with someone else and I certainly can’t blame them. It definitely helps to think of a scenario where she ends up getting fucked over as badly as he did to help him through to process of getting over her.
But that doesn’t mean it will happen. Maybe his ex gets screwed over in the end, maybe she doesn’t. Maybe the guy she’s with now ends up being a douchebag who fucks around on her and causes her pain, maybe he doesn’t. But whatever happens, karma has positively nothing to do with it.
Believing in Karma is for the weak. To rely on some fake cosmic force to make you feel better about something or to make something happen for you is mentally feeble. Nobody controls what happens in your life but you.
If someone does you dirty, get past it, make sure you’re not in the same position to be taken advantage of, charge it to the game, and move on. Telling yourself “karma” will handle them is disingenuous and weak. Be a man and put this bullshit fallacy to bed for good.
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