Western society has really put clamps on the evolving and success of Men. Feminism has shown its ugly head as it has denied men rights and resources in the last 40 years. Feminism has also given more opportunity to women who have not worked for it. To prove my stance on this position, let us go to Exhibit A and discuss this particular Youtuber named “Spiritual Tasha Mama.”




Like most untalented women, Spiritual Tasha Mama has found a way to make Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars on Youtube by breast feeding. Like most women in America, she uses her children as a way to make a profit. Never in her videos will you find the father of these children. However, you will find a pair of huge beautiful boobs that most like drive most men CRAZY!



I Love titties also young man. However, that is besides the point. Our society rewards women for accomplishing nothing! This lady could be a single mother with no father in the home. All she needs to do is have great tits and show them off in videos. Youtube has a strict policy on showing nudity on videos. When men set up channels that feature women twerking, they are taken down or given channel strikes. However, it is ok for large breasted women to “pretend” to care about their children and make BUCKET LOADS of cash while doing so.  While men are out working and risking their lives on blue collar facilities, women are staying home getting Naked on Youtube. This further proves that Western Society favors WOMEN over hard working MEN!


The Buffonery Remains at an ALL TIME HIGH! I’M OUT—-