A lot of you guys who watch my show, read my articles etc, are in long term relationships. You’ve got wives and girlfriends. I’m gonna tell you something you don’t wanna hear, but you know it’s true and believe it or not it’s going to help your relationship more than you might think:
That’s right I didn’t stutter. Your girlfriend or wife is a slut. She’s has slept around, she’s had one night stands, fuck buddy arrangements, she’s fucked more than one guy in one day, she’s probably been fucked by more than one guy at once, and she’s cheated multiple times.
“Well what about your girlfriend Donovan?”
Yes! Mine too! MY girlfriend is a slut! You think I don’t know my girlfriend’s been fucked by a bunch of dudes? You think I found some special snowflake who declined riding the cock carousel even though she’s a hot blonde with huge tits and a nice ass?
Nigga please. I’m well aware that my woman’s notch count is a lot higher than she’ll ever admit to and YOUR WOMAN IS NO DIFFERENT. Your woman, my woman, every man’s wife, girlfriend, significant other are ALL SLUTS. ALL OF ‘EM. NO EXCEPTIONS.
So now that we’ve gotten that out of the way I can discuss why it’s important to keep this in the FRONT of your mind when keeping your woman in line and it all starts by treating her like an alcoholic and lemme explain what I mean:
An alcoholic is someone who has a drinking problem. They are addicted to alcohol. They drink every day. If they don’t they get shaky, irritable, and their bodies shut down, because they are physically dependent on alcohol.
Now there are many different kinds of alcoholics: There are functioning alcoholics that hold down a job, pay the bills etc. There are raging alcoholics who drink their lives away, they lose everything their wives, children, get a bunch of DUIs, and their lives are train wrecks because of alcohol. Then of course you have varying degrees between the two.
There are many degrees of alcoholism
At some point a lot of them decide to seek treatment, get help, go to counseling, AA meetings all so they can try to stop drinking and good for them for trying to get themselves together. But there’s a phrase we’ve all heard when referring to alcoholics when it comes to their state of being and that phrase is:
If a dude’s at an AA meeting and he’s announcing he’s been 3 years sober, he’s still an alcoholic. If a woman tells her friends she’s been sober for 5 years, she’s still an alcoholic. The permanent label of alcoholic is paramount to anyone who is trying to achieve consistent sobriety. The girl who’s been sober for 5 years has no problem telling herself and others that she is an alcoholic.
Now the reason the static label of alcoholic is necessary is so they don’t fall off the wagon and start drinking again. If the dude who’s been sober for 3 years is at a social gathering, his buddies aren’t going to offer him a beer because they know that as an alcoholic, all it takes is one drink for him to fall back into the lifestyle that wrecked his life.
He AND his buddies have to keep that alcoholic label on him to make sure they’re all aware of his condition and that as an alcoholic he is susceptible to making his life difficult through drinking.
The minute an alcoholic says to himself “I’m cured! I’m not an alcoholic anymore” it will not be long before they crawl into a bottle and either get a DUI or wrap his car around a telephone poll and kill himself or someone else.
When she gets help, she will always call herself an alcoholic no matter how long she stays sober
And even if that scenario doesn’t occur, the bad decision making starts again and before he knows it, he’s opening a bottle of whiskey before he takes a shower in the morning….just like he was a few years back.
Alcoholics are extremely conscious of the fact that they cannot be trusted around alcohol. They know they can’t be anywhere near cocktails, beer, shots, none of it. They don’t wanna fall back into that life so in order to keep that temptation at bay, they, along with their friends and family place the alcoholic label on themselves and conduct themselves as such.
So now a lot of you are probably asking “Well Donovan, how does this make my woman a slut and why do I need to treat her like an alcoholic?”
This is very simple gentlemen and I want you to pay close attention: Like alcoholics…
Just because your woman decided to commit to you doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have ho tendencies. Yes, she may love you, she may be committed to you, and she may have every intention of staying with you. But the effects of the cock carousel NEVER GO AWAY. You think because she TELLS you she loves you, sucks your dick on command, and cooks for you every night means she doesn’t still think about the guy with the biggest cock who ever fucked her?
You think she doesn’t flirt with Kevin in sales at her job knowing you’ll likely never find out? You think she doesn’t think about getting pounded out by her ex boyfriend who sends her a happy birthday message on Facebook every year?
I’m sure they’re both thinking about their boyfriends
Just like alcoholics cannot be trusted around alcohol, women cannot be trusted around men. Any woman who has ridden the cock carousel has gotten drunk on male attention and sex or years. And the effects don’t just magically go away when she hits the wall or she decides it’s time to settle down.
“Donovan that’s not the same thing!”
It’s not? Well let me ask you this? If your best friend was an alcoholic would you allow him to go to a bar? Of course not. Bars have alcohol and your friend can’t control himself around it.
So what sense does it make to let your woman go to a bar or a club? Bars have men who are looking for woman and your woman, who is a slut, has proven that she can’t control herself around men so you do not allow her to go the bar.
Alcoholics and the people that love them make sure they stay away from any and all situations where there could be alcohol. Parties, social gatherings, clubs, bars, etc. As her man, it is YOUR job to keep her away from any and all situations where infidelity could start.
Here are a ways you can limit her temptation to “consume alcohol”:
- Make her delete all social media pages
- DO NOT take her to a bar or a club
- DO NOT let her get a personal trainer at the gym
- DO NOT let her go to the gym without you
- DO NOT allow her to have a password on her phone
- DO NOT let her go to company outings without you
Guys, this list is infinite but both you AND your woman know instinctively know what situations could lead to her cheating and like I said, it is YOUR job to keep her away from these situations.
Again, your woman is a SLUT. And like alcoholics who can’t be trusted around alcohol, your woman can’t be trusted around men….period. She proved this when she was fucking dudes by the dozen for a dozen+ years.
You can get offended and butthurt that I called your woman a slut all you want to. Guess what? I don’t give a fuck…DEAL WITH IT. This is the reality. Once a woman sleeps with 2 men, she’ll sleep with 20 more, then 50 more after that.
You niggas need to understand that just because a woman is in a committed relationship DOES NOT MEAN SHE IS NOT STILL A SLUT. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t still have ho tendencies. Ho tendencies don’t just all of a sudden disappear when she gets in a relationship. Those tendencies are always there just below the surface looking for any reason at all to come out.
“Let’s send this to my boyfriend! He won’t mind! He totally trusts me!”
And if you allow her to have a Facebook page, or allow her to have “girls night out” with her friends, don’t be surprised when you find out she’s fuckin’ somebody behind your back. She’s a slut…what’d you expect her to do? Just say no to cock? Something she was clearly unable to do for a decade plus?
And if you’re still not buyin’ this (and you’re a dumbass if you’re not) Let me try one more time to talk some sense into you and ask you another way: Let’s say your brother’s been sober six months sober after drinking every single day for 6 years. Let’s say he gets invited to a cocktail party. Would you trust that he wouldn’t fall off the wagon?
So there’s no reason to allow your woman who’s been fucked by men into the triple digits go with her friends to the club because you’ve been in a relationship with her for 2 years and don’t classify her as a slut anymore because she tearfully swore to you that her crazy days were behind her and that she’s a “different person” now.
Once a slut, ALWAYS a slut. Treat her as such.
Want more Donovan? Check out his daily show on his website Monday-Thursday evenings at 7EST/4EST.
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