The regret of those who refuse to join Pi Network early has started today, 2nd March, 2022. The base mining rate has been reduced by six (6) times. In the past, the base mining rate used to be 0.
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12 per hour. Now, it has become 0.02 per hour. That’s just six times reduction. You can do the calculation by yourself and check also.

What this means is that what you can mine in just two months in the past will now take you twelve months (one year) to mine. And it will continue to reduce every month. You see? That’s how mining Pi will keep getting scarce in the future. Before now, you can easily get 2.88 coins in one day. Now, that same amount of Pi will take you six days of consistent mining to get.

A time will come when it will take one complete year for people to be able to mine just one Pi. That’s when real scarcity will begin and most of you who didn’t take the project seriously in the past will start appreciating and praying for the person who introduced you into Pi Network. By that time, people will start realizing their mistake of not joining Pi Network on time.

At that time, the value of Pi would have become so great that it will become evident to everyone. That’s when those who didn’t take Pi seriously will be running around to buy and Pioneers will start making money from them. However, when that time comes, Pioneers should be careful not to greedily sell all their Pi, because the value of Pi will keep increasing with time.

Meanwhile, there are a lot of other rewards in Pi Network apart from the base mining rate that has been reduced. Those who want to increase their mining rate to get more Pi can set their alarms to remind them to mine aggressively like never before to receive the new systemwide base mining rate. Existing Pioneers should also complete their Security Circle to maximize Security Circle rewards.

Pioneers can also invite their friends and family to mine Pi to increase Referral Team rewards, and to remind their existing Referral Team to mine, and lockup a percentage of their Pi to boost mining rate, because the higher the lockup percentage and the longer the lockup duration, the higher the lockup mining boost will be.

Those who become deaf today may end up committing sucide after they get to know about the full potential of Pi. Those who just joined Pi yesterday may not know what they have missed. But for some of you who participated in the global Pi Convention from October 15th to October 30th 2020, you must have witnessed the calibre of industries that are involved in the Pi project.

Talking about $6,380 as the Pi price, that is honestly a leak current traded price. I guess those Chinese guys working with the Core Team tried to use this to motivate their brothers in a coded way. However, those ones could not keep the information private and they leaked it to the public. But personally, I don’t always tell people to expect anything too big from Pi. But the truth is that 1 Pi cannot be less than $1.

The point is that since the Core Team is working to ensure that Pi cannot be bought from any exchange but to be mined, to fulfill the 1 billion network strength, then they cannot make the price so easy for those who do not mine Pi to buy, because if they do, it means that 3-4 years which people used to mine Pi will all be in vain, because so many will just come in with few millions and buy huge amount of Pi and become richer than those who have been mining.

The only way to compensate the 3-4 years of mining is to put the price of Pi at a very high level such that an average man will not be able to afford it. This will also encourage new users to download the app to mine for themselves since they can still mine for free as they can not afford the price for 1 Pi.
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Even at that, they will still find it difficult to mine substantial amount of Pi, even though they may still have access to at least 1 pi through the lockup mechanism.

They will not be able to spend whatever number they make immediately because they will have to mine at least for 1 month before they start thinking of passing KYC. And after passing KYC, they will still have to wait for 1 month or more before they will be verified, before they can now think of spending Pi like us. And there is no way they can smell up to one thousand coins like the majority of us are having in our wallets today.