Like most guys, I’m still shaking my head in confusion on this one.

I don’t know why it’s acceptable to display individualism when applying for a two-person commitment. That’s like a shy person applying for a job where you’re required to provide constant communication.

Now, we would assume that everybody knows that relationships are INTERDEPENENT!! Meaning that two people relying on each other in order to maintain order in the relationship. There has to be a balance between the duo—a constant circulation of give and take.

Side note: There’s no such thing as anyone being independent…

Even for the ladies with their own job, car, house, etc…

If it wasn’t for your employer, you wouldn’t have a job. You depend on that company to provide you with work so you can get paid.

To go further to be petty, you have to depend on the payroll department to cut your check. Not to mention depending on the people at your bank depositing the funds.

We all depend on somebody.

If you want credit for the things you have, then I would suggest that you’re “self-sufficient.” There’s nothing wrong with being self-sufficient—you have to survive as well.

But when you say you’re independent, now you’re asking to be passed up.

If you don’t need to depend on a man, then why do you need one? What benefits would you have by bringing a man into your life if you have everything?

For the sex? To relieve your sexual tension? You have to depend on him for that!

This piece isn’t to bash the ladies honestly, but just putting some things into perspective. If you desire a man in your man, then that independent propaganda has to go!

Take it from a married man—my wife needs me just like I need her.


Hasani Ali

Co-Founder of the Twin Flame Coalition

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