
I am so tired of you niggas and you church male QUEENS  running around in these fucking churches babbling and dancing like PLAIN OLE ASS IDIOTS. You church sissies and You Black Bitches will do anything in church to get some fucking attention. Biblically speaking, none of you bastards know what you are doing and I am calling out your church fuckery. The next time I see you ass wipes babbling in church or running around with your fucking head cut off, I am going to whoop your ass while you are FAKE “Catching the Holy ghost.” This is one of the reasons why neither I or hardly anybody else take you Pentecostal, Baptist, or Non denominational Anti christ ass bitches SERIOUS THESE DAYS. The rest of this article was written by Christian Theologian Francis T (who is an author here at I just figured I would come on here and roast you Black church bastards because you need to know that every time you go around BABBLING, you are FUCKING SINNING!




To understand the New Testament theology of the Gift of Tongues, it seems that 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 are the best texts for introductory study. We can overview at least 5 basic theological points out of these texts. They are the following,


In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, the gift of tongues is part of the divers gifts and operations of the Holy Spirit intended for the overall edification of the Church the Body of Christ (12:12). But contrary to the extreme interpretation of Mark 16:17 that the gift of tongues is a necessary sign for salvation and thus all Christians must and will speak in tongues, 1 Corinthian 12:10-11, and verse 30 clearly tell us that not all Christians are sovereignly gifted by the Holy Spirit to practice it. It is unwise and unbiblical then to claim that only those who speak in tongues are saved.


Also, another unbiblical concept of the Charismatics is the claim that speaking in tongues is a measure of deep spirituality. They believe that when you speak in tongues you are directly talking to God; you are experiencing an intimate communion with Him. But in light of 1 Corinthians chapter 13, Paul clearly and completely shatter down this view by saying in 13:1 that without love the speaker of tongues is just like a “clashing cymbal.” Take note, even the use of angelic language without the spirit of love will just make you “nothing.” Thus, speaking in tongues is not the measure of a growing spirituality, considering also that the Corinthians who were known practitioners of it had been called by Paul as “babes in Christ” (3:1). Speaking in tongues does not make you spiritually high and deep.


Concerning its duration, St. Paul views its operation in light of what he calls “that which is perfect” (13:8). When this “perfect” comes, the gift of tongues will cease. In other words, the gift of tongues is a temporal gift to the Church. But what is this “perfect” that will signal the cessation of the “in part” things – including the gift of tongues? Well, considering the context, it refers to love itself (13:8) with faith and hope (13:13).

Faith, hope, and love are virtues of the “perfect.” They are also virtues of spiritual maturity (13:11-12) that gives the believer a solid foundation in his relationship with God. Conservative scholars usually believe that “faith-hope-love” (13:13) in relation to “that which is perfect” in verse 10 refers to the complete canon of the Scriptures. In other words, the coming of “that which is perfect” has to do with the coming of the complete apostolic revelation that will complete the New Testament. For as the Lord continually showers the early Church with His revelation, sign gifts like tongues, supernatural knowledge, and prophesies will soon cease (13:8). God’s written word is sufficient to be the basis of our faith, hope, and love. Through the complete canon of the Scriptures, we can “know even as also I am known” (13:12). In other words, the Bible is the sufficient and final basis that will give us clarity and answers in everything essential about the Christian Faith. Thus, we can deduce that when the Canon of the New Testament has been written, completed, and incorporated, the “in part” category of spiritual gifts or sign gifts like speaking in tongues is no longer officially operative for us today.

However, with this conclusion, the automatic controversial consideration for the Charismatics is this: Are they practicing the New Testament gift of tongues? If the gift had ceased already after the completion of the New Testament canon, how come that they still practice a so-called gift of tongues?


Here, we can proceed to 1 Corinthians 14 for us to compare the modern speaking in tongues of the Charismatics with the gift of tongues of the early Church.

First of all, in 14:1, Paul says, love is above all spiritual gifts. It is love that makes the gift profitable. But then, compared to the gift of tongues Paul recognized that in the context of the local church, where we can express love more, preaching is more profitable. It is more profitable not in a sense that it is more spiritual, but that the use of it profits the church. He said,

For one who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God; for no one understands, but in his spirit he speaks mysteries.  But one who prophesies speaks to men for edification and exhortation and consolation. (14:2-3)

That’s the basic difference. The gift of tongues is only between you and God. It only profits the speaker. Unlike “prophecy” which actually refers to the preaching-teaching of God’s revealed word, it benefits the believers for it also speaks to them. Now, here in verse 2, there’s something that we must clarify about tongues. The phrase “for no one understands” for “in his spirit he speaks mysteries” is usually interpreted by the Charismatics as referring to the language of the spirit which we may hear as groaning or in the form of gibberish talk. In other words, according to this view, the gift of tongues is not a real human language which we can find on planet Earth. But then, in light of 13:1, the gift of tongues is actually a real language. Paul says it is about “the tongues of men and of angels.” Of course, although the language of angels is not a planet earth language, but still, it is a real language which is certainly far different from the gibberish talk of the Charismatics today. Also, when the speaker of so-called tongues is aware that he’s just inventing his tongues or his gibberish talk, that’s the sign for him that he is not truly and honestly speaking in tongues; he doesn’t have the gift. Also, when Paul said, referring to the speaker of tongues, that “no man understands him” (14:2), he meant that the speaker himself possibly don’t understand what is saying either. But take note, he doesn’t understand what he is saying not because he is inventing gibberish talk but rather Paul said, “in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” Meaning to say, he doesn’t understand the gift of language that the Spirit has given him. For this reason, Paul suggested that those who have the gift of tongues should also ask for the gift of interpretation (14:5, 13). And so, if the gift of tongues could be interpreted, it only follows that its language is real and not mere groaning or gibberish talk. This is the essence of Paul’s argument in 14:5-11, trying to convince the Corinthian believers that whenever they speak the gift of tongues in the Church, they should also desire to reveal its interpretation for the edification of the Church (14:12).

And so, the challenge to the modern Charismatics of today is this: If they truly practice the gift of tongues, then, they should also practice the interpretation of it. Why? Paul said, 

Otherwise if you bless in the spirit only, how will the one who fills the place of the ungifted say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not know what you are saying? For you are giving thanks well enough, but the other person is not edified. (14:16-17)

The sign of true maturity (14:20) according to Paul is that whenever and wherever we use our spiritual gifts, we should always consider the edification of others and not of ourselves only. This is the way of love (12:31 and 14:1).


Finally, the serious reason why the gift of tongues should be interpreted is that when the listening Church doesn’t understand it, you – the speaker of tongues – somehow put the Church under God’s judgment. Paul said,

In the Law it is written, “By men of strange tongues and by the lips of strangers I will speak to this people, and even so they will not listen to Me,” says the Lord. So then tongues are for a sign, not to those who believe but to unbelievers; but prophecy is for a sign, not to unbelievers but to those who believe. (14:21-22)

The Church is the Body of Christ; it has a close-relationship with its Savior. It is its spiritual right to understand all the knowledge and wisdom that will make it strong and healthy in Christ.

If the speaker of tongues don’t have the gift of interpretation or that there’s no one in the Church to interpret what he’s saying “in the spirit,” Paul said, “let him keep silence in the Church; and let him speak to himself and to God” (14:28).

Thus, in the context of the early local Church, speaking in tongues was practiced in the spirit of love and ruled by order and submission of love (14:26).