Discover Lyfe all around the world with this brand new black owned social network ! 

Discover Lyfe is the first of its kind black owned social network that helps people not only discover new and interesting content from around the world. But also allows the user to share their Lyfe  with their closest friends, family and if their up for it…, the entire world. Discover Lyfe allows for people to share what lyfe is like in their city, state or even their country on their side of the world. While allowing them to see how people are living lyfe in a city, state or country on the other side of the world.

Discover lyfe is a real exploration based social network that is not like many others.  In real time from all over the world, users are able to stay informed on the things that matter most to them. Whether thats following breaking news out of Hong Kong, China, the latest fashion trends in Paris, France, Or exploring local hot spots in your town or the city next door. 

Lyfe even has a place dedicated to the most disliked things the community agrees on.  We can think of a couple things or people that would have made it to the most disliked person of the day spot. Cough Logan Paul… Sorry but showing a dead body is just wrong and it’s amazing how anyone could think, das cool?

Anyway like traditional social networks, users are able to do a variety of things, such as

  • Post photos and 30 second videos to your profile to show the world how you live your Lyfe.
  • Capture and edit photos & videos with custom filters and creative tools.
  • Discover posts, photos and videos you might like and follow new people
  • See the most liked and most disliked people, places, things & hashtags in the Trending Lyfe section.
  • See the daily top 25 posts from all over the world in the “Discover The World Top 25” tab.
  • Separate your most cherished memories from your daily lyfe photos & videos so your followers know which moments mean the most to you.
  • “Do a Lyfe Search” when you want to look for something more specific
  • And so much more

Currently Lyfe has launched a public beta as the developers continue to find and fix the many bugs that plagues every first generation brand new product or service. Lyfe does currently lack many of the features most social media users are accustomed to. But it isn’t hard not to assume features like Stories, Live Videos and Instant messaging wont just make their way into the app as more people join the social network. It is a version 1 product so give it time. Do you remember what IG use to like that? Righttt!

Either way when you look at it objectively this is another step forward not just for the people of the world but for the black community. Being able to share information with each other and the world has proven to be extremely important in the past and we don’t expect that trend to stop. Now black people being able to own the platforms that the information is being spread on will open the flood gates of innovation and prosperity in the future.  “Or at least that how me the Founder and CEO puts it.” “Im a bit bias because I’m the Founder & CEO of the company but I’m excited for the future because there is much more work to be done. “

So if you have an Apple iPhone download the application today! The android version is coming soon!

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