Welcome to Part 7 of the Series. If this is the first part you have read, you definitely need to check out Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4, Part 5, and Part 6. I walk you through seeing money differently than you have, getting to a point from working for money to having money work more for you , and finding ways to build and protect your money, and the importance giving. Part 7 covers the idea of taking the mastery of all that, and applying it at a higher level with fellow, like minded, Thinking Black men.



Getting to a point of mastering money, and growing it for your livelihood is definitely a great place to be. Once you can make the money issue a non-issue for your immediate circle and you know how to manage , grow it beyond your immediate needs and into more investments, It may be time to start considering expanding and creating a bigger economic circle with like minded people. People with similar money philosophies and financial structures in their lives are probably good matches to link up and take on bigger projects that not only generate more income , but create an environment where money is circulated better among the bigger circle. Right now , in the Black Blogosphere there is a huge discussion on where the new “black community” should “build”. This article isn’t really geared towards the specific “where” , but I can touch on the “how”. Basically the money philosophy and actions I have been speaking on for the last 6 installments can be scaled up to a group dynamic based on a uniform understanding. I other words,  you can start to form a culture of financial independence and soundness.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZZv5Z2Iz_s&w=560&h=315]



Its just like Voltron from back in the day, only real life. If you develop a highly competent, highly cooperative ,well informed, well experienced circle of Thinking Black Men such as yourself for the purpose of investing in joint projects or patronage of each others talents or services, you create a powerful force! You activate larger returns on your money, higher retention of capital, and higher protection that becomes lower risk in ventures. If everyone can simply keep their Ego’s in check, you also create a potent brain trust and asset base of not only money, but another extended collection of skilled professionals such as accountants, lawyers, and financiers that one of your team may introduce you to.  Remember too, that the joint venture for your circle doesn’t have to be the next “million dollar money team” venture no one has an experience in. Sometimes the smaller projects allows you to learn each other and also the best practices to prepare you for a higher level projects. The object is to be in tight cooperation before really big moves are made.


Along with having a long term plan and action steps for your immediate circle , you need to have a long term plan and progression for your expanded circle of associates and projects , and you need to be able to see and verify some fundamental characteristics you and your associates need to have in order to effectively form up for bigger projects. Well used time allows you not only to perfect your personal financial life and experience, but to allow other peers to do so as well, so that everyone can already have a solid foundation  for their primary financial lives and stand as a great foundation for the next level you all will achieve together. If you don’t take the time to do this before taking on more brothers for your circle, the inevitable issues of having shaky personal finances will come , such as misappropriation of funds,  power struggles, compromised business ethics, and many other things that could have been easily mitigated with the proper self cultivation. That is why it is paramount each member needs to have his personal financial shit tight before the initial venture in to group projects. Also, while all of this cultivation is happening , MANY conversations need to be had on each persons progress, sharing of experiences , and brainstorming solutions for challenges that arise. This is how a team or a conglomerates gets seasoned and ready for opportunity!


Finally, I do realize through this article that I have used the very vague terms “project” and “circle” to describe this next level of having a growing financial life with a team of like minded Thinking Black Men. I did it for a purpose. Just like I have been quite broad in the past installments, my purpose is to hopefully introduce you to a broad concept. There are so many creative ways you can assemble as a team and work on projects. From a brick and mortar storefront, to a chain of gas stations or franchises to a family farm Co-Op, to a real estate investment club, or market or forex trading club, and many other different options, all to create a more secure and independent financial life that grows and protects you and your powerful circle from the ever changing greater market and economy.

See you on part 8, the final installment of the series!