Introduction – Cold and Cool
The winter is here. You look outside and see the heavy snowfall,the mist and the ice. You know that the Christmas time and the nostalgia iscoming up, just around the corner. But winter is also the time of some pretty heated New Year parties, gatherings and wild nights. More than likely, you’relooking forward to some wild partying. But there’s that one thing that’s been bothering you. How to dress, and still impress? Trust us , you’re not the only one thinking like this. A lot of men out there have trouble achieving a perfect style for the cold winter, while still being warm and insulated. Staying healthy should be your priority, so don’t go out underdressed just to look good. You’ll end up sniveling with a cold, and then the partying is over for you. But with some key tips and insights from us, you can achieve all of it –warmth, safety and sexy, charming looks. We’ll guide you through it and show you some iconic examples of a perfect winter style. Splash out a bit on some anew get-up, and you can be the centerpiece of the upcoming parties.

Winter Isn’t the Death of Style
A lot of you thinks that winter simply kills good style, and that you’re bound to look like a polar bear in a puffy jacket for the entire winter. It’s your loss if you think like that. Or it could be that you lack taste. Either way, you’re wrong. Actually, the truth is entirely opposite – winter is the time of the year when class is the best choice. Sharply dressed appearance works on every occasion when there’s snow around. It simply goes one with the other. But you always have a choice. You can go casual, you can go classy, or you can go somewhere in between. A classy & casual style is easy to achieve. Check out this simple style.Jeans and sneakers work with anything, but throw in a dress shirt, tie and loose suit, and you have a perfectly laid  back style. For warmth you get a perfect long coat which just oozes style and good taste. You’re literally ready for any setting.
Then there’s this much more casual look. Dark, slim fit jeans and beige classy ankle shoes are a fire combination. Accentuate this mix with a simple, all black cardigan and warm yourself with a stylish, furry jacket. You’ll be warmed, charming and not overly dressed – casual but also giving a well-to-do vibe. Just perfect.
But it’s not always all about dark colors and conforming modern jackets. The winter is also a good time to explore your styles with different clothing items. It’s the perfect time to bring back the long trench coats and oldschool, nostalgic patterned jumpers. This interesting style show us just that. The brown trench coat is a bold move, but perfectly on the boundary between class and casual. The patterned jumper gives a great contrast and shows a laid back type of personality. And of course, show some bling to tie the outfit all together.
And then, you can go somewhere altogether modern. Discover your own style and make it work! Experiment with colors and loose fits, while adding your own touch. This colorful and brave style is perfect  for a player who knows his shit. The chunky gold necklace is the perfect contrast to the crimson cardigan and the matching crimson coat. The loose, baggy jeans and simple winter boots, give that perfect laid back style while still speaking of wealth and class. That right there, is the perfect way to achieve a warm and charming winter outfit.

Conclusion – Smart but Sharp
The most important thing about this is to have your own style and to own it. Never be afraid to give a statement, to stand out, and be the center piece of the party. A real man draws eyes to himself. Remember the pattern that is shown in these few different examples – mix style and casual,and you will achieve the perfect balance. Long coats will always be fashionable, and compliment a good figure. The big buttons and epaulettes on the shoulders accentuate the broad chest and give a slight military, powerful vibe. That’s the best thing you can do this winter for class. Puffy down jackets, parkas,and bombers are all secondary, and much, much more casual. Keep it in mind next time you go shopping.
What is your preferred style for this winter? Share your thoughts and ideas with the other readers. Comment below what is the best winter style? We would love to hear your thoughts. Until the next time, stay warm – stay sharp!