“The political teams are no longer divided into Democrats and Republicans. The whites who are now struggling for the American political throne are divided into liberal and conservative teams….The white liberal differs from the white conservative in one way. The liberal is more deceitful and hypocritical than the conservative.” Malcolm X

In 1882 Democractic candidate Thomas E. Watson was elected to the Georgia Legislature. A lawyer by profession, Watson entered the State Legislature in March 1882 filled with boundless hopes and aspirations determined to make a change that all people could believe in. His political naivete’ was crushed when he failed to curb the abuses of powerful railroad magnates like Jay Gould and Cornelius Vanderbuilt. Watson presented a bill to the Georgia Legislature requiring railroad companies to pay county taxes for businesses located in its jurisdiction. Watson was betrayed by then, U.S. Senator Joseph E. Brown who was a millionaire and president of Western and Atlantic Railroad, a government owned railroad which operated in the Southeast from Atlanta to Chattanooga. Brown had amassed his wealth through a “new” political invention in state politics called the convict lease program.

The convict lease program used mostly black convicts from state, county and local government to work in the coal mines of Dade County, Georgia. Since these convicts were state property, Brown didn’t have to worry about labor unions advocating for fair wages, decent working conditions or even food.  Since labor costs are virtually non-existent, profits were high.
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The fact that he was a millionaire and president of a government owned railroad company, raised no suspicions when he was placed on the committee to oversee railway legislation in Georgia. Move along nothing to see here.

When Watson presented his bill to tax the railroad industry, it was quickly voted down when Brown offered to provide fellow legislators with a free round-trip to the Louisville Exposition of 1883 to kill the bill in the Georgia House of Representatives. Watson learned what countless millions would soon discovery centuries later: State Politics is simply a good ole sawdust on the floor whorehouse where the wealthy trick off thousands, if not millions, of dollars with elected hoes; in a nefarious scheme to consolidate their wealth and power over the American electorate. (Sorry! I had to do it…lol)

Watson resigned in disgust without finishing his term. He embraced populism and helped found the Georgia Populist Party in 1892. Populism is essentially a liberal philosophy that supports the rights and power of the people over the privileged elite. Based on the tax bill debacle in 1892, Watson started supporting an organization called the Farmer Alliance, an agrarian organization of farmers that developed and flourished in 1875.  Their platform called for government regulation of the transportation industry, establishment of a tax to restrict speculation and the adoption of an inflationary relaxation of the nation’s money supply to ease the burden of repayment of loans by debtors.

As a result of these alliances, Watson was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in March 1921. He was hardly in office 6 months when another leftist organization came calling at his door. The People’s Party was a rural populist organization in left-wing politics. It was merged into the Democratic Party in 1896. It was highly critical of banks, railroads, elites, and the gold standard. It advocated the public ownership of the railroads, steamship lines, telephone and telegraph systems. It also supported the free and unlimited coinage of silver, the abolition of national banks, a system of graduated income tax and popular election of U.S. Senators. Yeah! You know where i’m going.

Here’s the point. In order to gain support against the elite, Watson, under the banner of the populism and the People’s Party advocated the need for poor whites and blacks to unite in solidarity against the wealthy in the name of common economic interests and objectives. He even supported black voting rights. While this produced temporary warm and gooey feelings common in leftist rhetoric, it underestimated the resolve and dynamics of american racism. The simple fact was that Populism and The People’s Party both shared the same parents: American Politics and Social Order. Thus, in 1896 when populist leader William Jennings Bryant ran for President, the Democratic Party usurped and co-opted both Populism and the People’s Party. As such, they reduced the political issue not to black suffrage, but to the coinage of silver. With the throne of American political power at stake, populism simply banished black suffrage to the nether reaches of political amnesia and benign neglect. After the defeat of William Jennings Bryant in 1896, Watson became an avowed white supremacist, championing the cause of white home rule and the Ku Klux Klan.

Fast Forward to the 1960 Democratic Primary. U.S. Senator and Presidential Candidate Lyndon B. Johnson was defeated by a young Massachusetts upstart named John F. Kennedy. In the election of 1960, Kennedy with his formerly vanquished foe, Lyndon Johnson, won the presidency. Kennedy somehow became the symbol of liberal rebellion against the conservative status quo. Oliver Stone called him the symbol of a “new freedom.” This is especially confusing since John Kennedy actively courted and accepted the support of segregationists like Congressman John Patterson from Alabama, was a friend of the infamous red baiter Joseph McCarthy, and had a less than exemplary voting record on civil rights.

Kennedy’s only saving grace was his reluctant support for Dr. Martin Luther King. The massive spotlight of the Civil Rights Movement drew the attention of the world, and thus could not escape the eyes of those in higher echelons of power. Kennedy when forced, sent in federal troops to enforce federal law, dispatched emissaries to the movement (sometimes as spies), and acted as an instrument to secure King’s freedom on numerous occasions in public, while approving FBI wiretaps on him in private. Even after he was relieved of his brain on the streets of Dallas, blacks continued to revere him by making him the head of a quasi political trinity in their homes, along with his brother Robert, and King.

It is through this influence or misconception (depending on what you believe) that the Democratic Party became the standard flag bearer of white liberal politics. The truth of which, according to the historical record, is the exact opposite.  In 1964, the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (MFDP) sent its elected delegates by bus to the Democratic Convention in Atlantic City, NJ. The party was a populist party headed by black civil rights activists. They argued that since the state’s population was 40% black, they had a right to determine who would represent them at the national level. The State Democratic Party did not allow black persons on the delegate floor of the convention. The incumbent candidates speaking on the floor were selected in accordance with the state’s segregationist practices. The MFDP argued that this practice was in violation of both federal law and democratic party procedure. They further argued that since their candidates made up a sizable portion of its population, they asked to be seated at the convention.

In a televised proceeding to plead their case, the MFDP chose Fannie Lou Hamer to give testimony as to the reasons, motives and necessity for the importance of MFDP’s presence on the convention floor. Her speech was a moving epistle on the struggle to organize efforts to get black voting rights in Mississippi. This included her nearly fatal beating by the Winona City Police Department. However, during her testimony, Lyndon Johnson cut her mic when he made a last minute appeal for air time to the networks.
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Johnson was worried that the activities at the convention would split the ranks of the Democratic Party and ruin re-election chances for incumbents including himself.  But it was too late. Hamer had gotten through.

As a result, Senator Hubert Humphrey engineered a compromise to give 2 seats to MFDP. Hamer rejected the proposed compromise when she stated:” we didn’t come all this way for no two seats when all of us is tired.” Afterwards, all but 4 of the white members from the Mississippi delegation walked out. If this was Kennedy era liberalism, it is easy to understand why many blacks felt emboldened to take their chances with outright reactionary conservatism. When they were faced with a choice of snakes, they chose the rattler because they always knew where it was.

I could discuss the failed bloated administration of under funded liberal federal programs in the “Great Society” that created black dependency at the cost of black infrastructure.  But i’m sure by now, you get my point. In his book Death of the Liberal Class, Author Chris Hedges maintains that white liberals routinely advocate for people with whom they have no knowledge of, relationship with, or any real interest in.  He paints an ideology of people that are more dedicated to private corporate interests than to public welfare.
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In a real sense, liberalism according to Hedges, is simply the corporate arm of the democratic party. This would explain why conservatives like the late Roy Innis would simply remove the veil of hypocrisy and identify themselves as libertarians, if not straight out conservatives. This is to say nothing of die hard liberals who simply sold their psychedelic vans, bought a grey flannel suit, got a haircut and became corporate executives.

In the midst of these transformations, black economic decay continued unabated into the 21st century. A policy of social neglect spurned a cancerous growth in Black America at large that was never removed. It was only treated with the toxic radiation of hollow symbolism displayed by spontaneous outbursts of nauseous cultural appropriations, like unannounced visits to black church services during election year, or doing the nae nae with non influential black political pundits. This is the natural outcome of white liberalism. It is a really bad 21st century version of the Gong Show with no Gene Gene The Dancing Machine. Just a euphoric crowd cheering at black dystopia. Well anyway, here he is————————- Gene Gene the Dancing Machiiiiiiiiineeeee.

TONY MACEO is a senior blogger at the Negromanosphere and the Chief Writer @ Power and Strategy.com. Feel free to like, share and subscribe to both the mailing list at the website and my You Tube Page @ Power and Strategy. Also you can become a patron @powerofstrategies on Patreon. Till Next Time I’ll Holla!