Talk about a funny situation! Governor Andy Beshear has contacted a Kentucky resident with the name Tupac Malik Shakur, to apologize for delaying his unemployment check because he believed he was impersonating the deceased rapper 2Pac, due to obvious reasons.
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Here’s a clip with the governor accusing the man of doing so:

“We had somebody apply for unemployment for Tupac Shakur here in Kentucky and that person probably thought they were being funny.” He continued to accuse man for delaying payments to other people: “One person thinking they were funny using someone else’s identity is gonna make tens of thousands potentially of other people wait.”

The Governor called out Malik Monday night, saying someone applied for unemployment for Tupac Shakur in his state. Beshear scolded “bad apples” for playing jokes and holding up people’s money, but now he has to apologize for that since there was no prank involved in this particular situation and Malik was really waiting for his relief payment. Turns out our guy really has the rapper’s name, and he really is down on his luck after being fired from working at a restaurant.

More specifically, Kentucky’s very own Tupac Shakur is just a 46-year-old Lexington resident. Tupac, who prefers his middle name, Malik, says he was hurt, embarrassed and shocked by the Governor’s comments, but then was a bit better after Beshear called him on Tuesday to apologize and all is water under the bridge.
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The Kentucky resident also added that he understands Beshear’s dealing with a lot since nearly 24 percent of the state’s workforce has filed for unemployment, and mistakes happen.

The man added that he’s still waiting on his check, and it’s been over a month since he filed. Regarding his name, Malik says he changed his name legally and that people get a kick out of it and think it’s cool while mentioning that he never had any troubles with it up until this point.
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Nevertheless, the Kentucky resident never thought a situation would come where the government would hold up an unemployment check over him doing so.

This doesn’t happen too often, does it? Hit the comment section to share your thoughts on it.